To The Readers

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Dear Readers,

Although I may be held captive in the prison of the Bandits of Sansdic. Tortured by the Robbers of Grasian. Thrown in the waters of Watris by the Pirates. Burned until I am fully cooked by the Cultists of Forsian. I am much alive and breathing and here I rest or sit. In the forest I was ,well should I say, born. Should I ever be taken by the Queen Selva and tortured until I reveal why I wrote this, please take time to read these hard last words of my creation, Deric. Although he may breath and eat as he sits on the throne of the prophesized empire, he still faces the chance of being discovered by Selva. I sit behind the hill near the place where he fought his first battle. I apologize for my consistent talking (writing) for I have much to say (write). I have secretly kept watch over Deric through his travels thousands of leagues away from his home in Tresa where the reign of the queen Selva, is at its greatest. He has taken a liking to the princess there, Rose. Though I fear the worse is yet to happen I have no troubles with Deric handling this long battle through life himself. He has lost the right to be called 'son' by his father, but I still call him grandson. He builds his new home far from his home. He creates a strong empire. But as my intentions were not meant for the worse, I fear I have no choice but to do the worse. Soon the two opposing powers in the five kingdoms shall face each others on a battlefield. Just as east faces west. North to south. I sit here with deepest regrets.



P.S. Though I have yet to witness this battle. I have no problem with him doing what I least wish he should do. He shall face charges of tyranny. And face losing his most prized possession ever. His Heart.

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