chapter thirty-eight

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~Matthew Mendes- Diaz~

"Hey, Echo," I smile, walking to her bedside, my heart sank as she just looked at me with no emotions. "How are you?"

"Same old, same old. Nothing new or exciting, they upped my chemo yesterday, it's making me really tired and throw up more. I miss him..."

"Echo, he'll be back in about 20 minutes. Uh, are you on radiotherapy yet?"

"No, just chemo."

"Good. Cause Elizabeth wants to see you,"

Her eyes light up and Elizabeth comes in, a wide smile on the small girl's face, "Mama!" Elizabeth cries, running up to her mom and hugging her.

"I've missed you so so much!" Echo mumbles into her hair, "is dada okay?"

Elizabeth shook her head, "Uh... Mama. Dada hurt himself, Auntie Liyah told me that he very very sad and that's what he did to make him happy."

Echo starts to cry, she looks up at me. I know what she's gonna say, I kiss her forehead and go to find Shawn.

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