Chapter 1

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Sky's pov

I guys I'm Sky Green, i have been on a mission for the past year and 5 month's. I was closing in on the demon and the Clave ordered me not to kill it yet. After another 2 months i killed the demon but another popped right up again. So i had to stay longer. I havent talked to my best friends Alec, Izzy or Jace for a year. I missed them so much and I'm happy that i get to come home now. Finally. I miss training with Alec, i miss Alec, Jace and i making fun of izzys cooking,  i miss Jaces laugh when we make fun of Alec. I miss Alec over all. I miss watching movies with them, Alecs cuddles and piggyback rides. Can you tell i miss them.


I grab my bags and walk into the  institution
, and i hear his voice. "I do not approve of this misson." I walk over to where i hear them.

"Do you ever approve of anything." I said leaning against the wall. They turn towards the voice they heard. When they noticed it was me Izzy was the first to jump into my arms. Then Jace, i never felt Alecs. I looked at Alec and he threw me something. "You forgot something." He said, i sighed. I opened the box and it was my necklace he bought me for my sixteenth birthday. I put it on, i see this red hair girl and she didn't look happy, i looked over to Jace, who was talking to me, but i wasn't listening.

"You look really fimilar red hair girl." I said

"You seem to be really fimilar around here too."

"Sky Green." I say 

"Clary Fray."

"Fray, as Jocelyn Fray." I said and they looked at me

"Yeah my mother, she was just kidnapped by Valentine." She said

"How i just talked to her like 4 hours ago." I said and they looked at me

"What did she say, because thats right before she was kidnapped. "

"She said tell Clary everything, i love her, and make sure you protect her from Valentine." I said telling them what she said

"How do you know her." Jace asks

"Well before i came to the institution i was with Jocelyn. You where pretty young at the time, but i promised your mom, i would look after you. So she ended up using her powers some days, and she didn't want you apart of this world yet. So she had your memorys earsed by the famous Mangus Bane, and he did a spell that kept your memory closed, but came back slowly. When you turned 18 the spell wore out." I said

"Sky, how do you know all this." Izzy asked, i see Alec sitting there waiting for the truth. Out of all of them, he was the only one one that knew the truth.

"She went through the exact same procees as Clarys going through. Expect her mother deid in her arms by a demon." Alec said, i looked at him

"How old where you." Clary asked

"13." I said

"How old are you now."

"20." I said, i looked at Izzy and Jace

"Why did you never tell us."

"The way your acting now." I said and they walked away

"It had to come out sooner or later Sky." Alec said

"I would choose later."
"Where going to go to Magnus, you guys coming." I said

"Lets go, emotions make us stronger."

"Some of them." I said, and looked at Alec getting his bow

"Yeah. You know he was so close to giving up on you." Izzy said

"Well the clave told me stop talking to you guys. They said they would tell you I'm alive but guessing they never did." I said

"Thats the clave for you." Jace said and we gor to Magnus place.

"Magnus, I'm back." I called through the apartment

"Darling." He called and hugged me

"You must be Clary."

"Can you get my memorys back." Clary asked

"Cant, i gave them to the demon. Incase Valentine caputred me for keeping that Clarys his daughter." I glared at him, he turned around and left the room.  We went outside.

"Wheres Simon." Clary asked

"I told him to atay in the van but i dont see him."

"All you had to was watch him,  and keep him safe. But no he got.." Clary was saying but gor inturpetted by a really fimilar voice

"Well look whos finally home." I know that vocie

"Raphael, what a pleasure." I said turning around. I seen Alec roll his eyes

"I see hes still jealous."

"And i still see your doing Camille dirty work, by cachting Mundanes for her."

"Na, we want the cup, and we know she has it."

"Give us Simon he has nothing to do with this." Clary said

"Sky, my place 8." Raphael said, i looked at them

"Yep, see ya there." I said and Alec walked off, and they disappeared.

"How are we going to get Simon back."

"I'm invited in, all you guys need to do is get in throught the back way." I said

"Did you get smarter over the trip."

"Why did he walk away after the vampire invited you over."

"They like eachother but will never admit it." Jace said and i pushed him

"Before i left, i was well you could say dating Raphael the vampire. Alec was always jealous that he never got to see me. When I went away i broke things off with Raphael for his fault."

"Alec has feelings." Clary says and we laugh

"Yeah, but he hides them under mulitply layers of strength." I said and we walked to the van and drove back to the institution.

Not forgotten- Alec Lightwood Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin