Chapter 2

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4 months later

Sky's pov

Hi guys, I'm back. Its been 4 months and i finished the mission. I told them i wasnt supposed to come home till next month, but surprise right. Theres a tiny problem, i didn't go to take demons down they changed my mission last minute. I went after Vakentine instead. I got Jocelyn but i got changed into half demon. If i get mad or angry or even sad my eyes will turn turquoise and i will atrack anyone. I hope my welcome home is nice.

"Sky, ready to go home." My driver asked

"Drive me back home please." I said and he drove me back to the institution. I walked in and seen other shadow hunter but not my team.

"Ty, wheres everybody."

"Sky. There at Alecs wedding." He said and went back to work. I fell my eyes turn colors. I took a breatg and my eyea turned back to my green eyes

"Thank you Ty." I said, i went to the room. I took a deep breath and walked in. Everybody looked at me.

"Sky." Izzy said and Alecs looking at me

"Sky, leave the wedding." His mom said

"Mrs. Lightwood, what a pleasure. Its between your son and I. I'll leave if he asks me too." I said

Alec pov

I see Lydia walk down the alsie.  Should i do this. Do i really want to marry her, i promised Sky I'd wait for her.

We were about to put the rune on my hand and the door opened. We all look, and it was Sky. Fuck.


"Sly, leave the wedding." My mom said

"Mrs. Lightwood, what a pleasure. Its between your son and I. I'll leave if he asks me too." Sky said.

"Who is that." Lydia said

"You going to be okay buddy." Jace asks

"Sky." I whispered

"I see her too buddy."

"I promised her I'd wait."

"Then go kiss her big bro." Izzy said

"I can't."

"Who nows, she'll probably leave right after, and what was that for."

"Atleast you know you still have her."

"Sky, please." All i got out, and her eyes changed colors a little bit

"Is that what you want Alec."

"Maybe." I mumbled

"Have it your way." She said and walked back the way she came

"You ready to finish this wedding." Lydia said

"What did you do Alec." I hear. Magnus.

"Magnus, leave." My mom said

"Shut it." He said


"Do you know what she did for you guys."

"What do you mean."

"Clary, guys come." He said, we followed him.

"My mom." Clary said and went to her

"She did this."

"Yeah, she did it for you guys and you sent her away."

"How did she do it."

"The mission that she told you guys she was going back on, wasnt it. The Clave told her to get Valentine, but when she did she got stuff changed. You telling her to leave set it off."

"What happened on the mission Magnus." I asked


"Shes not a full shadow hunter anymore."

"What do you mean." Jace said

"Shes half demon, but the nice kind, most of the time."

"What kind of demon." Izzy asked

"Shes nice, but something can set her off. Like you telling her to leave, who knows. Shes not herself anymore."

"Why didn't the necklace go off."

"She wasnt using her demon side."

"Is that why her eyes turned colors, after i told her to leave." I said

"What colors." Magnus asked

"Guys we have like 5 mundanes killed in the last 20 minutes. Jocelyn, you guys found her." Luke said

"No, Sky did." Clary said

"Where is she."

"Thats it, we dont know.  After Alec told he to leave, her eyes changed." Jace said

"Shes a demon." Luke asked

"Yeah." We said

"What color were her eyes." Magnus asks

"Turquoise." I said

"Where was the last body found." I asked

"By tells to street."

"Thats by her moms grave." Magnus and i said.

"I'll go." I said

"Alec." Magnus said

"I'm going."

"Ok, becareful. We dont know how strong she is yet." Magnus said, i qemt to change, grabb my bow and jeaded out.

Skys pov

Like i said, I'll kill anyone that got in the way. I walked into my moms grave. "Hey mom. Well my life was good until i stopped Valentine.  I got turned into a demon, Alec married this Lydia girl and your still gone. I miss you mom. I want you back." I said, i started to cry. I smell angle blood, Alec to be exact. He had his bow pointed at me.

"Kill me Alec, thats what your here to do. Then i be with my mom." I said

"Sky, i didn't mean to make you sad or mad at me." He said

"You promised that you would wait for me.  Nope, I'll just move on from her. Like shes coming back anytime soon."


"No, you made the choice,  you even made the choice to throw me out of your wedding. Alec, I've known you longer then the girl and you threw me out. Awesome." I said and my wyes started to change

"Darling." I hear, Magnus

"Magnus." I said

"Hey. How are you." He asked


"Are you."


"Yeah." He said


"What are you mad at."

"Oh, and Valentine."


"He turned me into this monster."

"Your not a monster." He said

"My job was to protect mundanes, but i killwd them instead."

"Sky green, under the clave order you are arrested for the murder of 5 mundanes." Lydia said

"Lydia, what are you doing." alec asked

"Shes arresting me dipshit."


"Lydia, she had no control over that." Magnus said and i was taken away.

I was put in a cage.."sky." I heard

"Hotch. Why are you here."

"Helping Valentine."

"Thats why i was put on the mission. "


"Killing 5 mundanes. He turned me into half demon half shadow hunters."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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