
16 1 0

Sweet silence
Time alone to be myself
Sweet tranquility
No need to hide no longer in stealth

Alone I can think
Alone I can be
No need to sink
No need to flee

The glorious feeling of being released
Not on edge, and not on a leash
No act to put on, not a care in the world
Lotus petals that can be unfurled

Getting back to the core of me
Releasing tension so I can be
Something more than what you see
Letting loose and running free

Hidden potential should I choose to employ it
Without the pressure, but a choice to quit
Pressing on at my own pace
Stop and go at any place

Embracing solitude but not destitute
Relaxed demeanor yet will resolute
Enjoying life at my own leisure
Not held by chains of being a pleaser

I may be alone but I'm not lonely
What can I say, the silence suits me

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