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My eyes are finally drained, I can cry no more. I haven't entirely calmed down, but I still feel angry. How could Elsa do that to me? I understand that she shut herself away in fear of endangering anyone, but she just can't act like she's the only one who's wounded.

I spent years thinking that she didn't care about me, that she never loved me. As the years past, I would knock on her door, asking her if she wanted to build a snowman, in hopes that I was wrong, that she did love me and that she would open the door, but she never did.

Finally her coronation came, I was so excited to finally have someone other than Kai and the other staff to talk to, I was also kinda excited to see my sister. I had thought that she would fianlly explain why she was so distant, but yet again she pushed me away. I guess you could say that's why I accepted Hans' proposal so easily... I had really though that he had loved me, but it was a lie, it wasn't my heart he wanted... he wanted power.

My heart has been shattered so many times, crushed, and played with as if it's just a toy.

"Anna?" I turn my head to Kristoff who stands in the doorway, and smile. Kristoff is the only person I have now, well I still have Olaf, but he isn't an actual person. "Anna, are you alright?" Kristoff walks over to my side and kneels, he gently brushes the hair that has fallen in my face, behind my ear.

Instead of anwsering his question I hug him tightly and burry my face in his shoulder, he is my comfort, he is my home.

"Oh Anna..." Kristoff begins, those words, so familiar.

Oh Anna, if only there were someone out there who loved you.

I close my eyes tightly, that man ruined me, he made love a joke to me. If he wanted power, he could have easily just married my sister. He said it after all...

No, your no match for Elsa.

It's true, Elsa's much more beautiful than me... much more appealing. I am no match for Elsa, she could take me anyday.

Kristoff cradles me against his chest, his arms securing me against his body. I even find myself questioning Kristoff's feelins for me... does he even cared for me? I don't know the anwser to that question, but only time will tell. For now, my guard is up... securing my heart which is still broken.


What will I say to her? Will she forgive me? Will she even care? All these questions run through my head as I stand in front of Anna's bedroom door. I'm terrified of what she'll say, I'm terrified that she'll shut me out, I'm terrified of her not forgiving me...

Before I know what I'm doing, I reach up and knock.

"Anna?" Nothing.

"Anna, please I know your in there." Again there's no anwser.

Knock, knock.


"Go away Elsa!" Anna yells... but I don't blame her, she's only repeating my words.


"Elsa?" I hear my young sister call.

"Do you wanna be a snowman? Come on let's go and play!"

I wanna play.

"I never see you anymore, come out the door, it's like you've gone away."

I want to see you Anna, but I can't, I will never leave you.

"We used to be best buddies, and now we're not... "

We still are.

"I wish you would tell me why?"

I can't.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?..."

Anna... stop.

"It doesn't have to be a snowman." No!

"Go away Anna!" I'm so sorry, Anna.

"Okay bye." Don't leave me... please.

As the years would pass, Anna would continue to ask me the same question. Do you wanna build a snowman? And I would always reply with a no or silence. The question would come less and less, Anna was beginning to give up on me, until one very tragic day.

Knock, knock.

"Elsa?" Anna...

"Please, I know your in there."

I've always been here.

"People are asking where you've been."

Other people care?

"They say, "have courage", and I'm trying to..."

Your strong Anna.

"I'm right out here for you..."

I know

"Just let me in."

I can't.

I leave my window and sit with my back against the door.

"We only have each other, it's just you and me..."

It is.

"What are we gonna do?"

I don't know Anna.

Then there's silence. I hear Anna sigh.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Then I hear her tears, oh Anna, if only you knew...

*end of flashback*

I had pushed Anna away when she needed me the most. I had wanted so badly to open the door, I wanted her to know how sorry I was, I wanted us to be sisters again.

Now I know how Anna must have felt... desperate to have me, her sister.


I knock once more before replying to her song that she sung years ago.

"Yes, I wanna build a snowman."


"I'm sorry it took so long..."

I hold back tears as I continue.

"I didn't know I needed you, I really do, and now your gone..."

A tear falls.

"Please just ask me once more, just one more time... I promise I'll open the door."

The handle giggles and the door flies open to reveille Anna as I finish...

"Yes, I wanna build a snowman."

In that moment I embrace Anna and hold on tightly. I had shut her out once, but I don't intend on doing it ever again. Anna wraps her arms around me and sobs fill the air.

"Elsa..." I stop Anna before she could finish.

"No, Anna, it's okay. I'm so sorry... please forgive me?"

Anna pulls away from me and looks into my eyes.

"Of course I forgive you. I love you."

"I love you more, Anna, so much more." I hug her again tightly and never let go.

~Author's Note

Hello, just wanted to say thank you to all who read my story, it means a lot.

Also, Elsa's reply to Anna at the end of this chapter is not mine. I found it off of YouTube and take no credit, I just thought it would be nice to use.

The link to the video is below.

With hugs,


Love Everlasting {Helsa}Where stories live. Discover now