Judging System for POETRY

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Of course poetry has a different score sheet than the other genres! Here you'll find out exactly what are the basis you'll be judged on:

Poetry Score Sheet (Split into 4 main sections): 0/120


Title: (Is the title suitable for the poems? Is it unique?) 0/5

Cover: (Does the cover indicate what the title cannot? Is it appealing? Nor too simple, nor too loaded? Are all words comprehensible?) 0/10

Summary/ blurb: (Does the summary engage the reader? Is it interesting, catching?) 0/5


Form/ Structure (aesthetics): (Are the poems structured in an intelligible way? Are the verses too long?) 0/10

Measure/ Rhythm/ Diction: (Do the poems have any of the essential devices?) 0/10

Rhymes/ White (Free) Verse -> Musicality: (Does the author uses rhymes/ white verse to create musicality? Are they used in a clever way?) 0/10

Grammar/ Spelling: (Are the poems written correctly? Are there any grammatical/ punctuation/ capitalization mistakes?) 0/10


Figures of Speech/ Imagery: (Did the author use figures of speech and visual/ auditory/ olfactory imagery to enhance the message's meaning?) 0/10

Mood/ Tone: (Does the poem connect with the reader? Can you 'see' the poem's meaning, can you feel the author's mood?) 0/10

Word selection: (Does the author use an abundance of different words? Is the vocabulary wide (and not the same words all over again)? Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms etc.?) 0/10


Message: (Is the reader able to understand the message of each poem?) 0/10

Unique/ Cliche (originality): (Are the poems original, an extension of the author's vision upon the world? Do you feel like the poems seem common?) 0/10

Content realized: (Did the poems realize their intentions and create a complete work? Did the poems lead naturally to a conclusion? Was there a meaning to the writing and was that meaning realized?) 0/10

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