No. 4: Work is calling

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This part was written in friendly and very funny cooperation with my friend Vanessa :D (To find here under the beautiful name LyrasLullaby )

Group: Bulletin Board


Members: Valkyrie, Erskine, Skulduggery, Fletcher


Erskine: I've got a new job for you. Come to the sanctuary, then you'll learn everything.

Fletcher: I'll pick up the others, we're coming.

Skulduggery: No thanks, I'll go by car.

Fletcher: You don't trust me?

Skulduggery: I'll drive. In case something unforeseen happens.

Fletcher: What do you mean, unforeseen?

Valkyrie: Calm down and pick me up, ok? I'm at the pier.

Fletcher: On my way.

Skulduggery: On my way.

Skulduggery: Ok, you were faster. I'll drive to the sanctuary directly. This time.

Erskine: I await you in the big hall.

Fletcher: Wait a second, why can't you tell what to do over the chat? @Erskine We could save the way then.

Erskine: Hm. Tipstaff demands everything to run according to the protocol.

Fletcher: Nah, the protocol is outdated...

Erskine: I tell him all the time.

Fletcher: And he doesn't change anything? You're the Grandmage, you can change the rules whenever you want, can't you?

Erskine: Theoretically...

Valkyrie: Assuming you'd add him to this group...

Fletcher: ... Would that be enough for him to fill in his protocol?

Erskine: Seems legit...

Valkyrie: Just ask him. He can't do more but say "no".

Fletcher: And we wouldn't have to take the way upon ourselves.

Erskine: You're the last to complain about that but I can enquire. Wait a moment.


>>Erskine added Tipstaff to the group<<

Valkyrie: Heey, Tipstaff! Nice to have you here :D

Tipstaff: Good evening. Although the purpose of this group is contrary to my view I let it matter this one time. I hope the content of these messages is enough for the necessary protocol.

Erskine: It will be.

Fletcher: We make an effort for you exclusively!

Erskine: Good, that should be enough. The following has happened: I heard rumors that three of our agents in France don't respond since a week. You will investigate on what happened and report to me. The best case would be to see them safe and sound.

Valkyrie: Which city?

Erskine: Nizza.

Fletcher: Oh, I've been there once. Nice city, very french.

Valkyrie: Do you even speak french?

Fletcher: Uhm... Baguette.

Valkyrie: Croissant.

Fletcher: Sacrebleu!

Erskine: Enough! Skulduggery speaks french. Make sure to take him with you.

Tipstaff: Grandmage, should I add this part to the protocol as well?

Erskine: Bloody hell, no!

Tipstaff: I fear part of the professionality gets lost in this chat.

Fletcher: Just a little bit, probably.

Valkyrie: Sorry.

Erskine: Keep it down now.

Fletcher: I'm sorry.

Erskine: Set off now. I await your report.


Valkyrie: Where's Skulduggery now?

Erskine: Stands right next to me, enraged. Maybe you should come here quickly. (Help)

Fletcher: On my way!

Skulduggery: Where to...?!

Valkyrie: Oh, we're in Nizza right now, eating ice cream. It's really expensive.

Skulduggery: VALKYRIE!

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