The Truth

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It was the day after the attack. 

The altean that the paladins had found inside the giant gray and purple robot was still unconscious in a cell. They had moved her there until she woke up. The robot was being examined by the Garrison's top engineers. 

Everyone was rushing around, some in panic, not being able to find their loved ones in the sea of people surrounding and inside the Garrison, and some being reunited with their families. 

It was exhilarating.  

In all the commotion, there was Shiro. He was sitting on a metal box, staring at his feet. His face was sweaty from the attack and his clothes were itching to be taken off. 

Images of him and Adam watching movies together on his couch, taking Shiro's dog's on a walk, and even just talking in the kitchen while sipping hot chocolate in the winter. He couldn't take the pain anymore. He had the need to punch someone. Break something. He wanted to let go and release all his anger. He wanted to be an angry fire and just go out in the end. He especially wanted to be with Adam.

He couldn't hold in his feelings anymore. 

A tear slipped down his cheek.

He quickly wiped the tear, hoping no one would see. No one had ever seen him cry, not even Adam. He needed to keep his strong facade on. He couldn't crack. He just couldn't. 

Lance walked over, one of his nieces on his shoulders. 
"Hey, Shiro!"
Shiro looked up, forcing a small smile "Hey,'s it going?.."

Lance grinned widely "Great!" He looked up at the girl on him. "Hey, Maria, meet Shiro, he's one of my space friends"

Maria gave a Shiro a toothy grin. "Hi Shiwo!" She had a lisp from one of her front teeth being gone. 

Lance then ran away to the rest of his family. Shiro sighed, leaning back and closing his eyes.


The next morning, Shiro called all the paladins to one of the conference rooms after breakfast. The paladins were talking cheerfully, Lance and Keith showing more affection than normal. What made Hunk and Pidge grin at each other was that the boys sat next to each other. 

Shiro cleared his throat and turned to the paladins. His eyes were baggy and purple underneath and his hair was messy. He had obviously not gotten a good nights sleep. 

Lance scrunched his eyebrows together "Are you okay Shiro, you don't look too well.."

Shiro answered, his voice hoarse "I'm fine. I just wanted to say something"

Everyone looked at him, awaiting an explanation. 

Shiro stared at everyone "I'm leaving."

Lance's eyes widened "NO!" 

Everyone except Shiro, who looked bored and restless jumped slightly in their seats. They had never heard Lance yell so loud before 

"I have a family. I need to go look for them.", Shiro responded dully.

"You can't just leave us!..", Lance practically begged. Keith looked mad "I agree with Lance. You're like a brother to us.."

Shiro growled in anger "Well I am a real brother, Keith. I'm not any of your brothers. I need to go find my family."

Shiro stood up, and so did Lance "You cant leave."

Shiro looked at Lance "Well what the hell would you do in this situation?!"

Lance twitched slightly. Shiro had never cussed out at anyone. Lance responds soflty "I'd go find them.."


Shiro walked out of the room, leaving everyone in silence and shock.


omg that was my first ever time writing a fanfic and it tuRNED OUT TRASH HAHA

but thanks abby for inspiring me to write this xx love ya

hope yall liked the first chapter and pop in and follow me, would ya?

look out for chapter 2 soon!! <3

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