The Aftermath

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(short chapter but the next one will be out soon:)) )

Lance was still crying. Keith was trying his best to comfort him even though inside, he was slowly being torn apart.

When Shiro was presumed dead during the Kerberos Mission, Keith had just broken.

He got more involved with drugs and alcohol, focused more on that than his studies. 

Flying wasn't for the grades or to run away anymore. It was just a way for him to get out his anger.

Keith was going to crash sooner or later. He didn't want the other paladins to be there when he did, especially Lance. 

For Pidge and Hunk, Shiro was a best friend. A leader. A companion. 

They were on the brink of tears.

They all knew that Shiro was going to come back.

They knew what he was feeling.

They had all felt the same feeling before.

They knew Shiro had to do this.


Lance was still sobbing and Keith had his face buried in Lance's shoulder, a tear escaping and traveling onto Lance's pajama shirt. 

Pidge and Hunk were leaning against the wall, their eyes closed and trying to comprehend what had just happened. 

Of course, they were torn by the fact that he was gone, 

but what most hurt them,

was the fact that they couldn't get him back.


next chapter will be longer i s w e a r

with or without youTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang