The Departure

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Shiro grabbed a brown bag from one of the storage rooms and ran to his room, trying to avoid as many people as possible. 

Once he arrived at his room, he started shoving things into the bag. Some books to keep him company, extra clothes, and shoes, and many other things.

After he was done packing the essentials, he walked out. On his way out, he crossed a picture. It was all the paladins, smiling brightly at the camera. It had taken at least half an hour to convince Keith to smile, but he eventually did. It was a perfect picture. He quickly shoved it in his bag and walked out, shutting his door softly.

He quietly walked to the kitchen, passing a couple kids who smiled and waved, not noticing the bag on his shoulders. He forced a small smile to them. Almost all of his smiles were forced now. He makes his way into the kitchen, shoving a bunch of cans and dried food into a bag and slinging that over his back. He grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge and ran outside. 

Before he continued walking, he looked both ways then ran to the right. He held back some escaping tears as he passed the paladins' rooms. All of them were in Lance's room, talking. 

Shiro ran into the room that held all of the planes. No one was there since everyone else was asleep. 

He grabbed the keys to one of the fighters and climbed in, throwing his bag in. He turned it on, praying no one would hear. Shiro slowly lifted the plane, pressing a button to open the garage.

The paladins lifted their heads after hearing the garage open. Lance wiped his tears and ran out "SHIRO?!", he screamed, running towards the plane room. All the others followed. Keith ran into the room first, tears streaming down his face. Lance ran in and dropped onto his knees, wailing "Shiro!.." Keith immediately knelt down and wrapped his arms around Lance, trying to comfort him. 

Shiro looked back at the paladins. Pidge was staring blankly into Shiro's eyes, as was Hunk. Lance was crying into his hands while Keith comforted him. Keith looked up and Shiro with a hard glare. He mouthed the words "I hate you". 

Shiro quickly turned away and turned up the speed, flying away through the night sky. 

He was gone.  

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