Chapter 2: The New Boss

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"Missing your phone already?" Julia asked as she walked inside the
bathroom and pushed herself up to sit on the countertop.There is another imbecile, she has been laughing at me since I told what happened after the party and at the beach.

"If you came here to laugh at me again then leave the same way you came in." I glared at her and she started laughing again.

"No sweetheart I'm actually here to tell you that ryan texted me and he said that he had to return to Canada because something came up but when I remember what happened to you tonight is just so hilarious that I can't stop laughing." She choked between her laughter.

"Hahaha funny." I said sarcastically and splashed water on her since where she is sitting is near the bathtub.

"Okay, okay I will stop." She stopped laughing.

"So how exactly are you planning to get your phone back?" She asked and I looked at her quietly.

"Actually I don't have any plan." I sigh "I don't have his email or his number." I ran my hand through my hair and let out a sigh again.

"Even if you had his number which phone are you gonna use to call him?" Julia asked biting her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"Julia!!" I yelled splashing water on her again.

"Okay, girl relax." She tried to calm me down "Look I don't even know why you so mad. Even if you had your phone, you barely use it. You're always busy on your laptop and you watch Netflix on TV so what is the big deal about him seizing your phone anyway?"

Yeah, she's actually right I don't use my phone oftenly. If someone tries to contact me and he or she doesn't get me they will probably call the house line and about the project that I was working on, I can use the Word on my laptop. I just have to login and wait for Daniel to come back so that I can ask him where his brother is.

"Now you are talking some sense." I said smiling at her.

"Whatever I'm going to bed." She yawned while stretching her limbs and walked out of the bathroom.
A week later


I heard the house phone ringing on the nightstand, it was so loud that my eyes shot open at once. I hope the caller has something better to say or else I will break his or her neck through the phone.

"Am I interrupting your sleep, Miss Meyers?" A voice asked as soon as I picked up.

Wait this voice sounds familiar. "If she is pretty then anyone can be" it's him, Mr asshole. He is finally calling me after seizing my phone for a week.

"When are you planning on giving me back my phone?" I asked instead of replying him.

"I didn't call you to talk about your..." he couldn't finish his sentence because I interrupted. "Then why did you call me?"

"I want you to send the report about the DE...." I interrupted him again "I am sorry Mister, but I don't work at this hour."

"Look Miss Meyers, I really need the report now!"

"And I said I don't work at this hour." It was silent for a while before I heard him let out a sigh.

"I can see that you have this project on your phone and it looks like you spent a lot of time on it. So you wouldn't want me to delete it in just 3 seconds. Would you?" He threaten and I groan kicking my legs on the bed like a child. "Great then send the report now or I will do it." He threaten again.

"Dude don't you know what time it is? If you want to threaten me, you need to let me sleep for the threat to sink in" I paused. "If I were fully awake this would be scary but now it sounds like a 4 year-old bragging about something he can't do."

This is so frustrating right now first he seizes my phone and now he calls me 3 am in the morning asking me to send him a report that will take hours to look for.

"Huh, don't be surprised if you recive your phone with your project deleted.
After all you asked for it, sleep tight Miss Meyers." He hanged up and I put the phone back on the nightstand. I 

I entered my office and put my stuff down before I went to Mr Houston's office to greet him. I knocked on the door and entered when I heard a come in. The expression on my face changed when I saw Christian sitting behind his father's desk with an amused grin on that face of his.

"What are you doing here?" I quickly asked him causing his smirk to widen.

"Well, good morning to you too." I could hear the smirk in his tone as he said this.

"What so good about it especially if an arrogant jerkass like you is still alive."

"Ooo such harsh words." He laughed quietly.

"What are you doing here and where is Mr Houston?" I asked again.

"Well Miss Meyers, my beloved father's condition got worser so now the doctor prohibit him from working." He explains "So I'm taking over for now." He added.

That's why he was called me today asking for the report about the DEW corporation. I thought to myself.

Lately Mr Houston wasn't feeling very well but I didn't know it was this bad. I hope he's okay. Actually I'm not very surprised because we already had a conversation about handing the company over, but he didn't say who to.

"And what about Daniel, why didn't he take over?" I asked when the thought of Daniel came into my head.

"You prefer Daniel over me?" He asked in a fake shocked tone and I quickly nodded.

"Well Meyers, I also wanted the same but Daniel said he needed some time to put things straight at his new company so I had no other choice than to take over for now."

"And how long is this time we are talking about?"

"4 to 5 years" he replied and my face dropped. Normally I was expecting it to take a bit longer but working with this jerk for 4 to 5 years just make my blood boil.

"I know Meyers it's sounds like forever but it will pass by sooner than you expect, so let's start working." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can I have my phone back?" I asked expecting him to give it back like a normal person would do but he didn't instead he shook his head and said this "Nope" which made me glare at him.

"I will only give your phone back if you give me a tour inside the Mine and bring me out safely."

A tour inside the Mine that will take like an hour and I have a lot of work waiting for me at my office.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I'm the new boss and I want to see how things are going with the Mine." He replied in a obvious tone and I sigh in defeat.

I can't believe this jerk is actually my new boss and I am his assistant. GOD WHY??


The company that Melissa works at is a Mine Company.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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