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Trailer is above. I like trying things out and here is the result.
Emma Watson and liam Hemsaworth are not Christian and Melissa but you can use them if you want.

Hello guys welcome to TRUE LOVE HAS NO OBSTACLES but before you start reading there are some things I want to make clear.

This is my first story here on wattpad and I know that my writing is not going to be good like some of your favorite authors but please give me a chance to prove myself by at least reading one or two chapters of my book. If you do so and you notice any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, You can say it. But I will appreciate it, if you say it on a nicer way because in the country that I live in we don't speak English.

And also this story is taking place in a fictional town in Australia. It's a town where racism is not based on skin colors... but rather on social class. The racism is so high to the stand that there are shops, restaurants...made for only rich people and of course the poor people or 'low class' like they like to say are not allowed to enter.
Some scenes can be fictional too, completely my imagination.

Supporting characters

This a short summary about the supporting characters so that you will know who they are.

Daniel Houston: Christian's older brother, he is a hard-working and intelligent person who will do anything he can for his brother and Melissa relationship to survive.

Julia Wills: Melissa best friend, they were friends since middle school so she like a sister to her.

Victoria Houston: Christian's ambitious mother who is a big anti fan of Christian and Melissa relationship simply because Lisa's family is not from a high society .

Sarah Wilson: She is capricious, envious and constantly needs to be in the centre of attention because she is the mayor's daughter. Ever since she was little she dreamed of becoming Christian's wife but now that Melissa is in the way she sees her as an enemy she must get rid of.

Rose Wilson: Unlike her younger sister, she is very generous and humble. All her life she has been admiring one man who turns out to be Christian's older brother.

Pedro Wilson: He is the mayor of the town Melissa lives in. He uses his money and power to manipulate other, he is a man you wouldn't want to cross.

Carlos Mendes: He is the town's sheriff and also the mayor's pet.

Marcus Meyers: Melissa hot and sexy half brother who is only 19 but he known for being one of the most popular ladies men at school. He is very short tempered and leads him into problem most of the time.

Rita Rule: Melissa's neighbour and best friend.

Thomas Meyers: Melissa's father.

Ana Meyers: Melissa's stepmother.

Please don't copy this book because I spent a lot of time working on it and it also gave me a lots of tough times.


Melissa Meyers may not live like a princess because of her painful childhood, but she has it all. Beauty, style and friends she really loves.

Christian Houston on the other hand lives a life a man could only dream of having, he has money, cars, luxurious mansion, women and etc.

When these two met for the first time at a party, they couldn't stand each other until the day they finally realised that they are actually bound with each other than they thought. But nothing good in this world comes easily, this two will have to go through a lot of things for their love to survive.

Will they be able to fight for their love or will they end up becoming an obstacle for each other?

Join Melissa and Christian in their battle fighting for love, to find out.

I will try my best to upload chapters every week.

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