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Well hi. I'm Colby Brock if you don't know me what are you doing here? Lol jk but anyway so I guess im supposed to give a introduction you know.
My view of things before all this went down
So you all may know who Sam Golbach is.
My best friend.
The guy who's been obsessed with me since freshman year.
The other part of sam and colby.
And you may also know the wonderful Brennen taylor.
You know the other half of brolby.
I have a little secret.
I kinda of have a little crush on Brennen
OK not little
But oh God please don't tell him or sam.
I also kind of like sam to.
Just a little bit.
And i don't know who to choose if Brennen even likes me back which he probably doesn't.
Anyway i really need help.
I am not look forward to this Drama that's about to happen....

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