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I walked into the house, Brennen invited me to his party tonight and I honestly was so excited.
Maybe something will actually happen between us
I thought.
Probably not he has millions of girls chasing him that are way better than me.
Also I'm pretty sure he is straight.
I walked into the kitchen to get some water and sam was there making some food
"Hey Colby"
"Hey sam" i smiled at him and he blushed like he always does when i smile at him. I grabbed a cup and water and sat on our island
"Are you going to Brennens party?"
I nod
"Ya did he invite you?"
"Are you going to go?"
"I'm not sure"
"You should it will be fun" he turned around and didn't realize I was on the island. He immediately blushed.
I know i probably should be messing with his feelings but I have fun messing with him.
"I u-uh not a , er party guy" he said studdering. It was cute id have to admit.
"Come on Sammy" I put my hand on his cheek and traced his jaw line.
I got close to his ear and whispered
"You will have fun i will make sure of it"
Before I could continue the fire alarms started to go off
"Shit" sam said as we tried to get it to stop.
Sams food didn't catch on fire or anything but it did make the air around us smokey.
We aired it out enough where the alarms stopped
"What do you say"
"Ugh fine i will go"
I smirked knowing i always get my way.
"Just don't leave me alone this time" reffuring to the last party we went
I kinda of left him to make out with a guy I just met.
"Truth or dare colbs"
Brennen said looking at me
He smirked
I knew i was in trouble
"I dare you to go do 7 minutes of heaven with.....
Asher was a friend of Brennen I just met him 5 seconds before this party he was cute I guess i was also pretty drunk by this time
Before i knew it the brown hair boy grabbed my wrist pulling me into the closet and instantly started kissing my lips things got pretty heated
"Want to go somewhere else to continue this"
I nod and I was being dragged out of the closet into a different room
Flashback over
"Alright well I'm going to go get ready party starts at 11 " it is now 10.
I winked at him making his body go stiffens
"Uh-ok "
"You better look nice for me"
"Only for you da....Colby" he blushed again making me laugh as i go to my room to get ready for something that I will probably regret

First couple of chapters will probably be really short until more drama starts to happen okieeee
Until next time

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