Eating dinner

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Sorry I haven't been updating in a while but our internet really sucks right now. that and I've been really busy but here it is hope you enjoy ;)

As Amu and Ikuto waited for Amu's mom to come back and make dinner they decided to watch another movie. It was called, The Call. It was about a 911 operator who has to confront a killer from her past to save a teenager who has been kidnapped. As they were watching it Amu's grip on Ikuto became more and more stronger and tighter. the movie dragged on and on and during the middle Amu's mom came in. "Sorry it took so long but I was talking to a friend I use to work with. Amu honey can you help with dinner tonight?" She asked as she came over to them. Amu stood up and nodded. Ikuto stood up as well seems how Amu hadn't let go of his hand yet. Amu started walking in the kitchen but Ikuto stopped her. "Amu-koi could you let go of my hand first it's starting to go numb." He says. Amu's eyes widen and she blushes. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot I was even holding your hand." She tried to let go but her hand was locked on to his. "Uh hold on a second." She said pulling harder. Amu's mom came back in to see what was taking Amu so long when she saw Amu tangled up with Ikuto. "Oh Amu what happened???" Her mother gasped. Amu sighed. "I'll explain later just please help us." She said. After a while her mother finally got the two separated. "Amu what were you and Ikuto doing?" Amu's mom asked. Amu sighed. "Well my hand was stuck in his so I tried separating us and well... It didn't work to well." She explained. Ikuto busted out laughing. Amu scowled at him and elbowed him in the stomach. Ikuto looked at her and smirked. Her mother sighed. "Alright alright just get yourself cleaned up and help with supper." She said walking back into the kitchen. Amu sighed and let go of Ikuto's hand. He smirked and pulled her into him. She looks at him suprised. "Ikuto what are you doing?" She questioned. He smirked more as he leaned down and kissed her. Immediately she wrapped her arms around him and he pulled her even closer. He deepened the kiss and slid his tongue into her mouth. She made a small moan of delight and Ikuto smirked as they kept kissing. "Amu hurry up!!!" Amu's mom yelled from the kitchen. Amu pulled away and Ikuto smirked. She blushed and walked into the kitchen. Once Amu had finished helping her mom make dinner they sat down to eat. "this is a wonderful meal." Ikuto said. Amu's mom smiled. "Aw thank you Ikuto." She said back. Ikuto glanced at Amu who was smiling at him. He smiled back and they kept eating. "So Ikuto..... what do you plan on doing with your life, do you have a job, what do you want to be?" Her mom asked. Ikuto smiled as he looked at Amu who was blushing. "Well I haven't decided my line of work but I am defiantly thinking of my future." He says. Amu's mom looks at him and nods. "And are you planning on supporting Amu?" She asked. Amu turned red as a tomato and Ikuto just smiled. "I'm hoping that I can." Ikuto said as he looked at Amu. She shyly smiled at him. "Well Amu, he's quite the catch." She said. Amu just smiled at her mother and they continued to eat. After dinner Amu's mom went to take a shower. (Amu and Ikuto are alone together.) Ikuto pulled Amu close and kissed her. Amu smiled and kissed him back. Ikuto again deepened the kiss and Amu moaned in delight. Ikuto smirked into the kiss. Amu smiled. She pulled away, still smiling at him. "I love you Ikuto." She said. He smiled and kissed her softly. "I love you more." He said huskily. Amu blushed and they sat down on the couch. Amu's mom came down and she was all dressed up. Amu looked at her mother. "Where are you going?" She asked. She sighed as she put her earrings in. "I have quick business meeting I'll be back in 2 hours tops." She said. Amu groaned and stood up. Her mother grabbed her purse and smiled sadly at Amu. "Sorry honey, but at least you still have Ikuto with." She said. Amu smiled but blushed. "Bye mom." Amu said hugging her mom. Her mom smiled as she pulled away and left. Amu closed the door and sighed as she walked back over to Ikuto. He smiled as she straddled him as she sat on him. They kissed and Ikuto smirked. Amu pulled away and leaned her chest on his as she rested her head on his shoulder. "What you wanna do?" She asked. Ikuto's hands rested on her hips making her stay in place. He smirked. Amu pulled back and looked at him. "Hmmm?" She prompted. "I could stay here and hold you all day." Ikuto said. Amu turned red. "Sh-shut up." She stuttered out. "I'm serious." He said smiling. She slightly smiled and leaned back into him. "Ikuto I'm glad we're together." She muttered. Ikuto was shocked at first. "I'm very glad too." He said. Amu smiled and they sat there for a long time. "Tomorrow I'm going to take you on a date." Ikuto suddenly said. Amu pulled away and stared at Ikuto shocked. "A date but we already went on a date. you took me to a fancy restaurant and then we went and sat at the park for hours." Amu said. She thought about the date he took her on after she saw him flirting with that other girl. He had taken her to a fancy beautiful restaurant and she was overwhelmed. Then after a delightful and charming meal at the fancy restaurant they walked through the park while holding hands. Amu would just stare into his midnight blue orbs and would get memorized and lost. Then they shared a passionate kiss. After that they went back to Amu's house and watched a movie and Ikuto fell asleep. Ikuto smirked. "Well I'm taking you on another one." He said. Amu smiled. "How are you ever gonna top the first date?" She asked. He smirked more. "You'll see." He said mysteriously. Amu smiled bigger and they kissed. The kiss moved from passionate to heated. Ikuto slid his tongue in and Amu moaned. Ikuto pulled her closer to him. Amu grunted and Ikuto smirked. Ikuto bit her lip as he pulled away. Amu opened her eyes and blushed as she saw Ikuto smirking. "Teaser." She pouted as she leaned her against his shoulder. He chuckled. After sitting there for 20 minutes Amu started to get tired. Ikuto was occasionally playing with her hair and she felt relaxed when he did. Amu started to drool on Ikuto. He softly chuckled. "I think someone's getting tired." He teased. Amu groaned in response. Ikuto chuckled again as his hands slid under Amu's butt. Amu opened her eyes and was about to question him when he stood up. Amu then realized he was taking her to bed. Amu grip his shirt as he walked up her stairs. She closed her eyes and a while later, herd her door open. She felt the cold mattress meet her as Ikuto set her down. She groaned and opened her eyes. She grabbed Ikuto's hand and he looked at her. "I want you to sleep with me." She cutely demanded. Ikuto smirked. "Of course sweetheart." He whispered as he climb in next to her. She instantly wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him. "I want you here every night." She sleepily demanded. Ikuto was shocked at first but then smiled. "I will." He said as he hugged her back and softly placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. When he woke up Amu was still sleeping. He smiled she was really cute last night. All though she tossed and turned she never once left his arms. he silently and carefully crept out of her arms and went down stairs. He herd Amu's mom start her car and drive away to work. Ikuto made himself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. After another 30 minutes or so he herd soft foot steps coming down the stairs. He looked up and saw Amu enter the kitchen. He smiled and set the paper down. His cup of coffee was empty... had been for 10 minutes now. Amu's face instantly lite up and she walked over and hugged Ikuto. She thought he left but he hadn't. She was glad. She pulled away and Ikuto smirked. "I see your finally up." He teased. Amu blushed. "What can I say I was having a good dream." She said. Ikuto raised an eyebrow. "Amu were you dreaming about perverted things, you perverted kid." He teased. Amu stuck her tongue out at him. "I was not your the pervert!!!" She said. He laughed. "Amu..." He said. She looked at him. "Yes?" She asked. He smiled. "Come on a date with me tonight at 5:30." He said winking at her then kissing her on the forehead. She blushed. "Why?" She asked. He chuckled and strolled over to the door. "Because I said so." He simply said with a dirty smirk on. Then he opened the door and walked out leaving a puzzled Amu. What was he planning on doing this time?

Tada here it is sorry it took me forever to update but at least you have it now! ;) Please comment and vote please and thank you :)

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