Q and A

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From @DestinyWish
Favorite flavor of pie?
Favorite book?
I don't have a favorite book but a fave series it's the series of books set in Tortall by Tamora Pierce. (it's actually where the Beka in my name comes from and most of my OC's middle names come from)
The names of said series are "song of the lioness," "wild magic," "protector of the small," "Beka Cooper," and "tricksters" series.
Fav tv show?
I don't know because I don't remember the last time I watched one.
I haven't read the series yet T-T so I donz know. STUPID SCHOOL NOT HAVING IT

 from @Smart_girl26

favorite animal

my favorite animal is a horse or cheetah b/c DEY SO FAST

Favorite tv show?

see above

favorite color

 i have a few including purple green pink greenish-blue color dat kinda resembles betty, red OH FUDGE IT I'M JUST GONNA SAY ALL DA COLORS IN DA FREAKING RAINBOW BECAUSE DATS EASIER DAN LISTING THEM ALL!!!

running from who you are skylox merome sparkant setosolace munchinguniverseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang