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Aaliyah's arms shivered as she entered a foreign yet familiar place. Her footsteps echoed down the halls of Bighit Studios. It had been over three months since she had been in this building. The building hadn't changed at all since her last visit but the atmosphere felt different. It was unrecognizable completely foreign to her.

Aaliyah carried containers of food in her hands. She had just came from visiting her halmeoni house in Busan. Her grandmother insisted for her to take extra food for her grandson and the boys.

Very few people knew Aaliyah was back in Korea not even her grandmother had known until she showed up at her door step. Only person she told of her arrival had been her special friend Joon. And even he didn't know that Aaliyah was going to interrupt their practice.

Aaliyah was now standing in front of the boys practice room and she could hear the music coming from the room. It had been such a long time since she spoke to him. She had missed him so much but she was scared of how he would react to her presence. She knew she hurt him and she desperately wanted to fix that. With that last thought she pushed the door open.

To say the sight Aaliyah saw when she opened the door did not surprise her would have been an understatement.

Their still the same, she thought. She closed the door and entered the room. She stood there waiting for them to notice them her with a smile on her face. After two minutes Jungkook was the first notice her and came running over.

"Noona what are you doing here?" Jungkook said while hugging her and getting the attention of the other members.

V and Jhope stopped what they were doing as soon as they heard the word noona leave Jungkook's mouth. And when they saw which noona Jk was talking about saying that they were shocked would have been an understatement. Shock soon turned into joy as the both came running towards Aaliyah in two different directions.

Aaliyah saw both the boys running towards her.

"Oh this is what we not gone do." Aaliyah said quickly grabbing Kookies arm and taking two giant steps backwards. Jungkook snickered as they watched a confused V and Jhope run right into each other.

Jimin froze on the spot once he saw her. His heart swelled with many emotions. She had grew her hair out and she wore it out in its natural curly state. Her makeup was light like always. Her caramel skin was as radiant as the stars. She was as beautiful as always but hidden in her eyes was something only Jimin could see. At that second, Jimin's feet moved faster than his mind, and just like that they were gone.

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