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   Four boys squished together as they pressed their ears to the door to hear the mumbled conversation.

  "Why didn't u tell me you were coming back." Jimin said.

  "I wanted to surprise you." Aaliyah said.

   "I missed you. You can't just up and leave like that. It was supposed to be the three of us together forever and always." Jimin said in a pout.

  "Its not like I didn't call. And its not my fault all three of us don't talk anymore. And I missed you too." Why are you acting like you don't know, Aaliyah thought to herself.

  Behind the door Yoongi sat in the corner of the practice room watching his band mates in disdain. Yoongi was never a nosy person simply because he just didn't give a fuck.

  "If they wanted y'all to hear their conversation they wouldn't of left the room." Yoongi stated.

  "Hyung" V said "they're talking about her."

   Yoongi quickly went to join them at the door. Typically Yoongi didn't give a fuck but it was about her.

  Jimin leaned in closer towards her and rapped his arms around her. Aaliyah raped her arms around him returning the embrace. Jimin and Aaliyah were always very touchy people when it came to people they cared about. And since Aaliyah always considered Jimin as a brother, physical contact was a mundane occurrence between the two.

  "You know, she misses you too. You should call her sometime."Jimin said.

"Why should I?" Typically Aaliyah would always apologize first because she knew how strong her pride was. But this wasn't just any other fight. Aaliyah was still trying to find it in her heart to think about forgiving her. "Its not like she's been ranging up my phone nonstop."

"Yeah your right. But how did u get in the building you have to have a security background pass to get in." Jimin changed the subject not wanting to be stuck on such a depressing matter.

"Joon let me in." Aaliyah said.

Jimin, who had not let her go from they're embrace for the entire duality of their conversation, pulled away from the tall girl with a slight look of surprise.

"You guys talk now" he said.

"We're cordial." Aaliyah replied.

Behind the door the 5 boys who were all pushed flushed against the door looked at Namjoon.

"Anyways I have something wanna tell you." Aaliyah said.

"What is it?" Jimin replied.

"I'm not just here to visit; I'm also here to work." She said.

When Aaliyah was nervous or insecure she never really gives anyone a straight answer. She would just give a quirky response or a vague answer. But Jimin being Jimin knew exactly what she meant. He knew she was finally doing it. She was finally blossoming. Jimin smiled he was proud of her.


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