Day 2: April 12 20XX

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The phone rang for what felt like forever as Ren curled up below her blankets, praying that the sounds from the café below would drowned out what she had to say.

"Hello?" Her father sounded tired as he answered, she bit her lip as the guilt over calling so late washed through her.

"H-hi dad... is Akira awake by any chance?"

"Ren..." she could visualize him running his hand down his face in irritation.

"Dad it's important." She insisted quickly. "Please just get Aki for me?"

"Fine." A few long moments of silence passed as she waited with baited breath. The bathhouse held very few products for her to use and her trip to the store earlier that day gained her so many odd looks the second she stepped into the feminine care aisle that she was not going to attempt that ever again.

"Ren?" She perked up at the sound of Akira's voice, almost forgetting why she called until his next question brought her back. "Why are you calling so late?" The sound of the last customers leaving the cafe reached her ears then, she had to make this quick.

"Look, there is no time to beat around the bush here Aki." She said a bit quieter into the phone. "I need your help desperately."

"What do you need?"

"Lady... products..." she winced as the other end of the call went silent, already picturing her brother turning white as a sheet.

"You didn't bring any with you?" He asked desperately a moment later.

"I was kinda in a rush Okay? Can you send me some please? I can give you Leblanch's address." There was another moment of silence before she heard him let out an aggravated sigh.

"Fine. Text your phone the address."

"You unlocked my phone?"

"Your passcode was literally the word Boobs." She had a short giggle as she remembered setting the code while bored out of her mind. "Ren! Please try to be a little mature here so I don't lose my mind."

"Okay okay." She adjusted herself into a more comfortable position and let her laughter die away. "I'll text you the address, just send me enough for a few months and I'll pay you back later."

"Was that all you needed?" She thought for a long while, she couldn't tell him about things she needed outside of feminine products. After all there was no way in hell he wouldn't question her asking for realistic weapon models.

"Yeah. That's all. I love you."

"Love you to... brat." Even if he couldn't see it she still stuck her tongue out at his comment. 

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