chapter 27

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I'm sorry but this chapter is short :(


I woke up cuddled next to Harry. Naked. A smile crept onto my face, remebering the events that had taken place the night before.

I slowly pulled away from his tight grasp, and crept across the floor over to my dresser. If I'm being honest, down there was feeling a bit sore. I ignored it pulled out some undies and a bra. I clapsed my bra and hear a groan from the bed and Harry was staring at me with a lustful grin.

"I was quite enjoying the show," he growled with a raspy morning voice and I blushed turning back to my dresser.

I grabbed a longsleeved t-shirt and some leggings, tugging them on sluggishly because I'm actually really sore. "How ya feelin' babe?" Harry asked, noticing my slighly pained movements.

"A bit sore," I admitted, with bright red cheeks.

He grinned, "I seem to have that effect on people," and pulled on some boxers before giving me a warm kiss on my cheek.

We still have Thanksgiving for three more days and there is no way in hell I'm doing anything other than be lazy as shit. So I asked Harry what he wanted to do, making sure we were on the same page, "So what should we do for the rest of break?"

"Well there's going to be another party at the frat house, so we should go to that, but other than that, I don't really want to do anything." I guess I could handle one party.

"Well do you wanna go out for breakfast?" i suggested.

"Sure, babe," and with that we headed out the door on our way to a local breakfast diner.

The waitress was a bit impatient and rude, but we had a wonderful breakfast of frech toast and sausages.

The ride home was filled with a comfortable silence as I gazed out the window, loooking at the city I had seen hundred of times before.

Breaking the quietness Harry mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"What?" I asked, looking over to Harry who was nervously tapping on the steering wheel.

"I said, 'Maybe you could come and meet my family for Christmas,'" he said shyly.

My lips curved upward, "Have you been contacting your family?"

"Well apperantly my mum finally kicked my dad out, so she invited me to spend Christmas with her and Gemma. I told her about you, and how I didn't want to be away from you over Christmas holiday and she suggested that you come with us. And I dunno, I though since I had just met your family and it went well so maybe you could come and-," I couldn't stop smiling through Harry's little speech, he was rambling and he rambles when he gets nervous.

i cut him off, "Harry, of course I'll go with you," I pecked his cheek and there was an obvious sigh of relief. But I understand where he's coming from, afterall, he's never actually been in a serious relationship so I feel like he is still a bit scared that if he puts himself out there again, that he's just get heartbroken, like last time.

"I love you," I said, out of the blue.

"I love you more," Harry retorted.

"I love you most. Ha, I won," I smiled.

He grinned, shaking his head, focusing back on the road.

The rest of the day, we spend cuddling, watching movies, and making out. I was willing to do you know what again, but Harry didn't want to do it while I waas sore. So it was fine just laying in his arms.

"So do you think your family will like me?" I asked, nervously.

Harry took my hands in his own and gave me a weird glance, "Skye. They're going to fucking love you. Just like me."

I grinned at his response but them remembered that Harry hadn't even seen his family since he moved out, "Will it be weird seeing your family for the first time in so many years?"

"Well me, my sister, and my mum always got along when my dad wasn't home or whatever so it should be fine."

"Well i'm happy for you, babe."

I cuddled deeper into his arm and we continued our 'do-nothing-day'.


It is Saturday night and we are headed to the frat party.

We sat down and everyone looked at us with strange expressions and I was a bit confused, to be honest.

Louis finally spoke up, "You guys are totally fucking."

My eyes widened and a blush spread across my face. Harry just laughed and Perrie sent me a thumbs up, winking.

"Sooo...?" Niall blurted.

"As if," Harry scoffed and Niall just laughed.

The whole night was nice. It was good to talk to everyone, and I actually didn't get that drunk.

At some point that night, Harry whispered, "Hey, babe. So you remember when I told you about christmas earlier?"

I nodded, remembering our previous conversation.

"Well I sort of called my mum and told her we are coming," he rubbed the back of his neck, clearly nervous.

Instead of giving him a verbal response, I pulled him into a kiss and i'm pretty sure he understood my answer.


So the next chapter will be the last chapter of the book + an epilogue :) thank you guys so much for reading and I had so much fun writing it.

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