Chapter 11

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after that we went to our class and continue the boring lessons then its time for go back so we decide to go back change our cloths then go to y/n funeral but my phone suddenly rang



taehyung call


tae:hey jungkook please be faster cuz tzuyu tell me that y/n is not conscious

me:okay hyung i will be home now then we will go together

tae:okay be fast


why suddenly i feel like i jealous cuz taehyung know her more than me but why should i be jealous cuz i'm not her boyfriend but i think i have a feelings for her and i think i love her


jin:"quick take a bath then come down fastly"

me:"aresseo eomma"

i take a shower then wear a black suit


i and my members are walking inside then we saw momo then she stop]

momo:"ouh you guys finally come, i don't know what to do with y/n cuz she is crying non stop and she don't want to eat from this morning"

jin:"ouhh really, i bring for her some food...never mind we will talk to her"

momo:"okay,thanks guys for helping me"

suga:"there is nothing to thanks between a friend"

me:"i'm so sorry for what i did this morning"

momo:"no need to say sorry to me,say it to y/n"

me:"okay, i will talk to her"

we went inside then saw y/n was crying silently while the others was greeting them but she just stay like doll didn't move a bit

bts:"y/n, we are so sorry for your lost"she didn't say anything

jin:"y/n ahh i bring you some jjangmyeon, let's eat"still have no response

me:"guys can you stay out for awhile,i wanted to talk to her for awhile"

bts and momo:"please don't hurt her"


they lefted from the room

me:"y/n ahh i'm so sorry for what i did to you just now and before this, not because of your parents died i wanted to apologize but i already wanted to say this since before but because of my ego i can't even say sorry"my tears was flowing

y/n:"no i already forget about everything you did to me so no need to cry"

me:"still i have hurts your feelings but why can't you hate me or be angry to me"

y/n:"i don't know maybe i'm like that"

y/n:" i miss my parents so much, i hope they will be happy there"she cried again

i hug her and unexpectedly she hug me back and cry on my shoulders

me:"please don't cry, if your parents here..for sure they wouldn't like to see you cry like this so you have to stop crying and eat a little bit so that you will have energy" she still on my arms

y/n:"yes, the wouldn't like to see me in this condition so i have to stop crying right"

me:"yess good girll y/n"then she smiled a little bit

y/n:"i'm so sorry beacause of my tears your shirt is wet"

me:"no there is nothing to be sorry and i don't deserve your sorry"

y/n:"hmm, i think everyone deserve to be forgive"

me:"so you forgive me?"

y/n:" yes"

me:"tq..come let's we go and eat"

*we went out to eat


mimotzu:"y/n are you smiling"they hug me

me:"yes, cuz my parents don't like to see me crying"

mimotzu:"yess true"

tzuyu:"yahh jungkook what you did to her until she can smile like before"

jk:"secret"he smirked

momo:"glad to see y/n can be like before"

bts:"yahh jungkook did you kiss her until she can laugh like this"

everyone laugh execept jungkook and me and i was blushing

me: anneyo, what the hell are you guys talking "

twice:"wahh y/n is blushing"

me:"no, aishh go way guys" i said shyly

everyone:"hhahahhahahaha, wahh y/n is so shy

jk:"aishh you guys have to stop about this"

me:"listen to it"

bts:"her boyfriend protect her lol"

me:"he is not my boyfriend,ok stop guys"

jk:"lets go back to the funeral there must be some people that might find for y/n"

me:"yupp,i forgot already about it, let's go...thanks jungkook ahh"

jk:"no need to thanked me...lets go"

back to the funeral

Mr Park:"y/n here you are...we was finding you just now"

me:"sorry just now i go to eat cuz they forced me to eat though"

Mr Park:"thanks guys for taking care of her...sometimes she is hard core just like her father"

everyone:"no problem sir" they laughed

me:"ajussi how can you say that i'm hard core"

Mr and Mrs Park:"hhahahhahha y/n you are still like a kids"

Mrs Park:"y/n ahh don't be sad okay we will always be with you,aresseo"she hug me and i hug her too

me:"thank you ajumma, i will be a good girl"i smile to them

Mr Park:"good for you then"

Mrs Park:"y/n ahh if you want to stay with us please come to our house okay cuz we already think you as our own don't be shy if want to come cuz you also have nobody to take care of you"

me:"no need i want to stay in my own house cuz there is alot of memory there....thanks for inviting me but sorry i couldn't come"

Mr and Mrs Park:"aneyyo,gwenchana...but promise us you will take care of yourself"

me:"okay i promise"
Mr Park:"okay good y/ we have to go back...take care bye"


after we finish the funeral we went back home but bts ask want to stay with me for 1 day to accompany me

i was staying in my room then suddenly someone knock my door but i feel so scared and nervous on that time

To Be Continued...

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