As Long As You Love Me

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Lashed onto pavement outside my girlfriends house. Left there with bleeding lip

and softened eyes i noticed her fighting with her dad telling him to back off

Lying there unable to move i groaned feeling my ribs bruised from her dad.

"Stay away you little spoiled brat" he spat his cold words at me and locked gates to his house. I notice him pulling her up into mansion house and leaving me to think. 

Lying there in cold and darkness made me realise how much i loved her. even tho her dad keeping us apart,

he hates my guts for no good reason. Must be way i dress or sing or something. 

Getting up from pavement and wiping the blood from my lip i began to head home. 

Why did her dad hate me that's what's running through my mind.  


Lying in my room noticing my dad placing the metal bars on my window. Making me feel like i'm in prison cell didn't,

help me. 

Justin justin justin kept repeating through my mind.  It like song that never ended. But i didn't want it to end, 

"You can't see that boy ever ever ever again you hear me" my dad spat. Nodding not even listening to his mumbling words i began to mumble,

As Long As You Love Me to my self. 

[short i know but i'm gonna make it longer tommrrow]

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