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I woke up lying in some bed, unable to move, unable to figure out what’s happening. Everything around seemed scary. “I was supposed to attend a party today, we were on our way and how did I end up here?” all kind of questions flooded my head. And literally, it felt like someone was dropping water over my head because it all felt so wet there. I saw people holding me. I heard voices, a lot of them. I still remember how it struck me like "Am I abducted?" LOL. There were so many people and my vision was all blurred. My head did hurt. I could feel the rush. I gained some consciousness and figured my roomies standing somewhere in the middle of the crowd. I cried “Dora, Micku, why are we here? What happened? I was going with the other two girls!” People tried to calm me down, Dora reached out for my hands and said everything is okay and I needn’t think anything at all. I don’t know why but they asked me to identify the person standing right next to me. At first, I couldn’t get a clear view; I could make out the voice though. It sounded familiar. I opened my eyes and I saw one of our seniors; I took her name. Partly unconscious, in desperation and fear I asked: “What happened?” “You met with an accident”, someone replied. Then there was this continuous cycle, I dozed off and gained consciousness, got afraid and again lost into unconsciousness. It was Anwesha di who held me while someone came and started diagnosing my head, the place where it hurt. I resisted because it hurt more. Somebody shaved off a portion on the right side of my upper forehead. I was too down to resist. I was afraid to see blood stains all over my dress. It was like my pretty-yellow-dress turned red. Well, red's my favourite colour, but not this way.  I could hear people talking. It was like I was sleeping and then waking up, and the switching was so often that it would sometimes be just a few minutes between them. I heard di ask someone to fetch me another dress, this was all dirty and would be discarded. I denied. Partly conscious, I said, "No, this is my new dress, given to me by my senior sisters on the eve of Eid and it would stay with me forever."

There were so many things happening around, I do not remember much. There were other people too, but I do not remember the faces. I was taken to a different hospital from there. I had this dressing thing on my forehead and now I was fully conscious. Well, I suppose I was. I figured out that I was dressed up clean and now I could see many familiar faces. I was doing well and reached the next destination. Wait, I still do not remember the sequence of the happenings. Maybe I was taken to some other room in the same place. I was shampooed, cleaned, and it was there I saw my wounds in legs and hands. It was two stitches straight in the forehead, no big deal. I could feel the twinge. Then the next thing I remember is being at a different location. Hospital. Doctors. Machines. I didn’t think the previous day that I would spend my Eid with my head in the CT scanner. 

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