Good cop bad cop

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The party was still in full swing as women and men adorned in unique Regalia's walked about like strolling peacocks Ewa tried to put on the best smile she could muster although it was a bit hard keeping up with it as Mr Kelvin left arm rested dangerously above her behind and his other right hand dangling a flute of champagne .

Even though he made it seem easier with his occasional smiles and cringe-worthy jokes,she still felt uneasy about the whole arrangement.

She mentally cursed herself for thinking about morals in this kind of situation,he wasn't going to sex hog her or anything,plus she was going to get paid a huge amount for just one night.

She couldn't wait to hear the Krr sound of the ATM machine.

"You look beautiful when you smile" A familiar baritone voice interrupted her train of thought.

"Thank you sir" she smiled coyly as she pushed back an invisible stray of hair behind her ear.

"I just noticed the dimples on your cheeks they are cute" Mr Kelvin added.

"I could kiss it right now" he said as he placed his unfinished champagne on a passing server's tray.

Ewa stared for a dangerous second into the dark eyes of her supposed boss who wasn't exactly acting like one now judging from the perverted way he was staring at her,she felt fear, disgust, anger and some foreign feeling she couldn't place a finger on.

She was scared of tomorrow,of how he would look at her when they both get back to work,would he laugh it off and continue with his boring jokes that she still manages to laugh at surprisingly even though they were not funny or would he shun her and boss her around like nothing happened?

She felt disgusted because after all the money and fame he had acquired he couldn't man up to a girl he likes instead he takes an immature route of making her jealous with her,who does that?

She was angry because after all this public display of affection and show of staring at each other like two star spangled idiots,he will dump her and she will go back to being a random P.A whose name will be all over the news and gossip blogs of how shamelessly a lowlife P.A who was used and dumped by her multi millionaire boss.

She wondered what her mom would think of her,after the four years of schooling, the bsc degree, the stress only to end up tagged as a slutty P.A yeah that would sure be a befitting title for the headlines.

And after everything there was still something that pulled into those stormy eyes of his a warm feeling that sat at the bottom of her stomach.

"Miss bello are you okay?

"Yea I'm fine"

"You blanked out"

"Sorry" she grinned.

"It's fine"he smirked.

He bent low and pecked her on the forehead and then her nose and her cheeks Ewa knew what was next so she withdrew from him slightly pushing back his torso as she forced a tight smile after she noticed the paparazzi taking one million and one pictures of them.

"Stay,she's watching"he gritted

"Please sir I can't do this" Ewa begged still smiling.

"Don't let me remind you what is at stake here"

And at that moment,Ewa caught his eyes and she thought for a second that there was probably more to it than he was letting on.

Ewa shut her eye so tight that they almost hurt,she waited for it come,waited for his lips to harass hers but it never came.

Instead she felt a warm kiss on her cheek,it lingered there a bit longer than expected that she still felt the warm sensation when she opened her eyes and saw him smiling down at her,it was still there when he walked her to the brightly illuminated balcony and ofcourse the paparazzi went after them except they hid in the shadows.

Ewa felt her brain melt like an ice cream in the sun,her legs felt like jelly as they threatened to give up under her,she couldn't make out any words as she stared wordlessly at her boss whose head was hanging low due to reasons unknown to her.

"Why did you do that back there" her voice surprisingly hard

"What you didn't like it? He smirked

"It wasn't part of the bargain,heck there was no bargain you practically dragged me into this!" Ewa yelled

"And yet here we are" he replied in a bored tone

"What do you mean here we are?

"You had a choice,you could have chosen not to go"

"And lose my job" Ewa said exasperatedly

"Yea I forgot to add that,think of it as special duties to your boss besides many girls out there would kill to be in your position right now".

"I'm not them ok! It would have hurt less if you had just told me from the beginning when you gave me this job that this was what I was getting my self into, instead of loading me up with stupid outdated files to sort out!!!

"Well does it hurt less that I'm paying you money for this" he shrugged

"You pay me money to kiss my face,to harass me!!

"Your mates out there do it don't they, they even go farther as to strip" he laughed a black laugh

"Oh you didn't just say that" she flared

"I just did"

"I want to slap you but I won't"

"You wouldn't dare I'm your boss"he challenged

"No you're not,you're a goat -ewu Hausa that's what you are.

She stomped out of the place angrily finding her way downstairs,he ran after her calling her name until she got to the parking lot,people gave them knowing looks while some whispered God knows what to themselves.

"Hey,hey slow down I'm sorry I didn't mean any of that,it was a slip of tongue"

"Was it,you were pretty confident back there when you vomited nonsense from your mouth .

"I didn't mean any of those"he said softly as he walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"It was probably the drink that got into my head, i'm really sorry".

He pulled her into a hug,and it was only then that she knew that it was still all for the paparazzi as they took photos of them.

"You look tired,let me take you home"

Ewa didn't say anything,she didn't refuse,she let him guide her to his car as he opened the door and helped her in and behind the window she saw her staring them..

It was still all for her,he used her for her.

Thank y'all for reading this book

I love you

Comment if you want Kelvin's P.o.v

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