We're not loved

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Friday morning saw Ewa sitting on her swivel chair as she practiced breathing exercises she found online,she had tried various simple yoga relaxation poses but it only made her more tensed.
It had barely clocked 9:00 am and here she was in her office repeatedly checking her wristwatch and wall clock.

He always came in early what is taking him so long.

The previous night had been uneventful from an awkward drive to her home and a lecherous look from her boss when he dropped her off in front of house, and Ayo's incessant teasing that made her sometimes doubt the consanguinity between the both of them.

Jess was a lot of help,she stayed all night to listen to her go on and on about she was going to turn in her resignation letter.Rita on the other kept dosing off at intervals and piping in sporadic contradictory statement before she finally slept off for good.

It was bad as it was..

And yet here she was sitting idle in her office waiting for her boss to show just so she could see the reaction on his face.

A knock on her door made her jump out of her skin before she managed to utter a fairly loud enough "come in"

Right there and then her nightmare walked right in looking flawless in all his gorgeous glory all splenetic thoughts of him dissipated she wasn't one to take in the physical outlook of a person but with him it was impossible..

"Morning miss bello,trust you slept well"
He said

"Yes I did sir" she said in a noncommittal voice that was probably too loud.

His assertive stance oozed certainty and self assurance after all he was the one doing the "firing"

"Is there something I could do for you sir" she prodded.

His mouth opened and closed like a fish making Ewa wonder if he had something important to say but changed his mind.

"No, just wanted to get your account number, I owe you some figures"

"Will bring it to you, but is that all sir?" she  said.

"Yes that's all" he assured her and turned to leave.

He walked into my office just for my account number when he could have just ringed me.


Kelvin walked to his office weary of the resonating headache that didn't seem to be subsiding any sooner it was becoming severe everyday.
The previous night had been a blur but somewhere among his scattered thoughts he knew he offended someone but didn't know who.

It was hard enough not remembering what happened the previous night,he got a call early in the morning that his so called brother  was planning to buy the company,and he had the support and back up of the shareholders.well that was bound to happen since his mother was there, she had the board of shareholders on her palms and manipulated them like puppets.

He thought of the bottle of whiskey that sat unfinished on his dining table at home and wished he could go back home and drink till he drop dead.

And there was catty looking all beautiful and gorgeous,she caused him pain they all caused him pain yet all he wanted from them was love..

His mother's voice rang in his head, that night when she took those white pills that made her look pale and sickly, he saw her sleep,she was wide awake but she slept.

Her last words made him sick to his stomach and on the day she was lowered into the ground he didn't cry because she died he cried because it was true..it was all he thought about when he got knocked down by that car..

His conjectures were proven to be true when he woke up.

"Sir are you okay"

He saw her black stilletoes it was peeling off pretty fast judging from the amount she claimed she bought it.

"Yeah drop it and go" he hissed.

"You don't look too good,you're sweating" she prodded.

"You noticed" he beamed
" now drop it and go,thanks for caring"

"I could get you some drugs there's a chemist down the road"..

The drugs were bad they made it worse,he stopped using them the day before the party, they made him dizzy so much that he could sleep for two day straight and still want  nothing  but to go back to sleep the shrinks only made it worse,if he kept going like that the work might not get done .

"Okay anything that gets you faraway from me" he sighed.

He watched as she practically dashed out from his office with heels almost touching the back of her head if he wasn't feeling so sick now he might have found it an hilarious sight.

He felt a watery sensation as it flowed freely out of his nostrils, he picked up his handkerchief that was folded neatly on his desk and dabbed it below his nose.
The red blotted stain that happened to be blood soaked up his handkerchief. He tilted his head back  lifting up his face to the ceiling just like his mother had always taught but then it had been a different case.

Just like a lightening bolt the pain went around his head sending shock waves to his brain, he couldn't breathe,he saw double and the only thing he remembered when he blanked out was Miss bello distant voice screaming for help.

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