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Katie's POV:

I was sitting on the couch the day after Finn and I got in a fight. I knew that I needed to end this but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just sat there watching Me Before You when I got a call from Finn. I paused the movie and picked up the phone getting ready to end it with him.

"Babe??" He sounded sad.

I took a deep breath in and said, "We need to talk..."

"I know we do, can I say what I need to say first?" He exclaimed.

"Yea" I knew he wasn't going to say what I was going to say.

"I'm getting help. I am seeing someone. I know what I am doing is wrong... really wrong. But... I can't lose you. I am changing and I love you so much" he said.

I sat there for a second before saying anything to what he just said, "What about yesterday and how you acted when I talked to that guy??"

"I am changing, I promise. No more hurting you, no more yelling at guys that talk to you, just no more things that wreck us" he said.

"And you are being serious about this. No more of any of that??" I questioned him.

"Yes babe, I really want this to work because I love you so much" he said.

"Okay... I wanna make us work" I said.

"Great, I wanna take you out tonight" he said.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, but I'll give you a hint... wear a dress. I'm picking you up at 8" he said.

"Okay, see you tonight then" I said.

"Goodbye baby, love ya" he said.

"Love you" I said and hung up and went upstairs to take a shower and get ready. After I curled my hair and I did my makeup and put on red lipstick. After that I went over to my closet and started looking through it. I found the dress I was going to wear. It was a red, short, skin tight dress that was strapless. I put on a pair of black heals and headed downstairs at 7:56pm. When I got downstairs I sat on a stool in my kitchen and checked my phone to see if Finn texted me but instead I saw that Charlie Puth followed me on Instagram. I followed him back and almost the second after I got a DM from him. I opened it and it just said hey. I left him on read because I didn't want Finn to find out I was messaging the guy that caught me and called him out for not being there.

As soon as I set my phone down I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it and it was Finn. I just remember that a forgot to grab a my clutch that was upstairs on my bed so I said, "give me one second I forgot my clutch upstairs, I will be back in a second."

I ran upstairs and grabbed it and ran back down.

"DAMN BABY! You look fine as Fuck!" He said with a his face all lit up.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I say while I walk past him and wink.

He runs ahead of me and opens the door for me. "Thanks babe" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. He then shuts the door and runs over to the other side of the car and jumps in. He then started the car and starts to drive off.

We arrived at a club. Finn came over and opened the door for me and put out his hand so that I could get out of his Jeep. There was a huge line that was wrapping around the club.

"Are you sure you want to wait in this long of a line babe?" I asked because I didn't really want to wait.

"I got this handled" he grabbed onto my waist and just nodded and the guard and walked right on in.

"Wait... how did... what?" I was confused on how we just got in.

"Don't worry about it babe, I am going to go to the bathroom and get us drinks I will be right back. Go find us a booth to sit at." He said and then walked away.


I was sitting in a booth at my favorite club and I had two stupid bodyguards at each side of my booth. I pulled out my phone and saw that Katie had a boomerang on her Instagram story of the club I was in. I almost instantly stood up and looked around to find her.

"Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom real quick" I said to get them to leave me alone so that I can go and find Katie. I start to walk off but then I look behind me and they are following right behind me. "ENOUGH! I am using the bathroom go back and save where I was sitting now!" They stare at me for a second more and then go back to the table.

I sneak off and start to look around for Katie. I finally see her sitting in a booth looking down at her phone. I walked over to her and sat in her booth right across from her. She didn't even look up from her phone. "Katie you look amazing".

She looked up from her phone, "Excuse me, you need to leave."

WOW! I did not expect that reaction from her, "ummm... are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine, but you need to go away." She said glaring at me.

I was confused on why she was trying to get me to leave, "did I do or say something?"

She took a deep breath then said, "No Charlie, it's I just don't want to upset my boyfriend tonight."

"He isn't even with you right now and he is rude and hurts you. You know that too" I said.

"He doesn't hurt me, Charlie and frankly this is not any of your business. So I am asking you nicely to leave me and my boyfriend alone" she said as she got up.

"Woah woah woah woah. Please just sit, I am sorry." I said.

She sat back down, "okay, now you leave"

"Baby? Why is he here?" I look up and it's her boyfriend, Finn, is standing looking at her.

Finn  grabbed my shirt and stood me up to where I was standing and then... he knocked me out.

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