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Sammy's POV

"Oh isn't this great" Tiffany said and I pulled away from Shawn and he smirked

"I have a boyfriend!" I said 

"Sure you do" He said winking at me

"Xavier will just love this" Tiffany said

"I need to go" I said looking at Jenny and Kaylee.

"No, please not again" Shawn said and I pushed him off.

"I'm leaving" I said leaving the club.

"Please don't" Shawn said following me down the street. I looked around to see people taking picture of us.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" I said and Shawn took a step back.

"Sammy...I want to get coffee with you...here is my number if you change your mind" Shawn said handing me a piece of paper. I shoved it in my pocket as he walked away. Fans screaming at him and he just waved at them and went back in the club.

I left and went back to my apartment. I slammed the door and then screamed. I threw my purse on the couch and walked to my room and instantly looked at my bed to see a present on the bed. 

I picked it up and opened it to see a note and then something wrapped. I looked at the top of the letter to see it said my name. I smiled and then opened the letter.

My girlfriend,

Gosh I saw this the other day and fuck you

 would look good in it. It was a little expensive so

I pulled the tag off so you can't know. I wanted to

take you on a cute date so this is the dress I would love to

see you in. I know we will be out late tonight but I

bet you will get home before me so try this on. I love you so

much, baby.

Love your boy <3

I put the note down and grabbed the dress out. It was a short blue dress with long sleeves and a low cut. I started to strip down and then put the dress on. I looked in the mirror and I started to cry. I sat down in front of the mirror as I looked at the dress that was perfectly fitting my body.

My door opened and I saw Xavier standing there. I wiped my tears and stood up and he looked confused and mad. He smiled as he looked me up and down. I ran into his arms and he picked me up and hugged me.

"I didn't mean for that to happen. Xavier I want you" I said as he let me down. He kissed me and held my waist.

"I know....but I was thinking that maybe it was time to see other people" He said and I took a deep breath.

"I don't think that dude is going to want to stop and maybe I should look for another girl" He said and I looked at him and he was just looking at the floor. 

"This must be a joke" I said feeling tears slide down my cheek.

"Sam....I think it is time" He said taking a deep breath

"Why?" I asked and he gulped

"I like someone else, Sam! Why does it matter to you?" Xavier asked

"Get out" I said and he nodded his head. He grabbed his suitcase and threw stuff into it. I just watched him and he looked at me.

"The dress" He said

"You ain't getting it. Bye" I said

"Hell no! That costed a lot of money" He said

"Bye Xavier" I said and he rolled his eyes and grabbed his suitcase and left the apartment.


"You can't lay in bed all day, hun" Jenny said

"He picked up everything today and I feel so lonely" I said wiping a tear away

"You need to go out...maybe a rebound?" Kaylee said

"I can't" I said crying even more

"Maybe go out with that snack, Shawn" Kaylee said nudging me

"No" I said

"NO? He wants you" Kaylee said and Jenny was going through my closet.

"How bout you text Shawn and wear this out" Jenny said and Kaylee smiled. I just looked at the dress that Xavier got for me and knew I needed to try and move on.


I stood outside of the fancy restaurant, looking at all the people who entered in. They were high class and looked very dressed up. I was even shocked that I was about to go in there. There was no way that I would be able to afford my own meal.

"Damn" I heard Shawn say and I turned to look at him in his tux. He put his arm around my waist and we walked in.

"Mr. Mendes" The front guy said

"Your table is this way" The guy said and I looked at Shawn and he smiled at me. We stared to follow and I was shocked at all the people here.

"This is way too much, Shawn" I said as we sat down and he rolled his eyes.

"This is the least I could do" He said as he started to look at the menu.

"Plus you said you wanted to go on a real date" He said

"I wanted an excuse to wear this dress" I said laughing and he smiled

"You look great" He said smirking at me

"But your boyfriend couldn't take you out in the gorgeous dress?" He asked still looking at his menu.

"He broke up with me" I said

"Oh" He said

"Wasn't even about what happened with us.....he was seeing someone else" I said

"I'm sorry" I said

"Hi, I'm Bart and I will be your server tonight" Bart said standing there with his note pad.

"What do you want to drink?" He asked

"I will have water" Shawn said looking up

"And for the lady?" Bart asked and I smiled

"Strawberry lemonade?" I asked

"Yes" Bart said smiling at me 

"I will be back" Bart said leaving

"He was nice" I said

"Because he was flirting with you" Shawn said putting his menu down

"He was not" I said

"I hate when guys flirt with girls when they are clearly on a date" Shawn said

"Really Shawn?" I asked

"I hate when guys kiss girls when they know they are in a relationship" I said and Shawn rolled his eyes

"We are here now" Shawn said

"You are here now....I'm leaving" I said getting up and Shawn instantly came after. I went outside and Shawn pulled me back.

"Stuck up famous person" I said

"Shut up" He said and then he kissed me


~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It always ends with some lip smacking. With Mendes ;)

Love your girl,


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