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Katie's POV:

I stood there as Finn backed up from Charlie lying on the ground, knocked out. Finn grabbed my arm and was dragging me through the crowd and out the back door of the club which lead into an alley.

with a frighten look on his face he said, "Baby you have to know I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what got into me. I am sorry! Please forgive me. I'm getting better."

I stood there no saying anything.

"Baby... Please say something..." He said while lifting my face up from looking at the ground.

I stood there a second more before I spoke, "all  I need right now is space. I need space... I need you to not text me or call me until I reach out to you."

"What does this mean for us?" He asked.

"Finn, I'm not saying we are breaking up, I'm just saying I need space and I need you to understand and respect that" I said.

"How long?" He said well looking up with his hand on his forehead.

"I don't know..." I said as I started to walk away.

"Wait... I'll drive you home" he grabbed my arm.

I slipped my arm out of his, "I can take an Uber" I walked off.


I woke up in my Hotel room with my head hurting. I sat up on the edge of the bed and stood up slowly. I went over to the counter where my wallet and phone was. I picked up the phone and saw I had a DM from Katie.

I opened the DM:

Katie: I am sorry about Finn. Hope you are alright.

Charlie: It's fine but I hope you dumped that asshole. He isn't good for you Katie and you know it.

Katie: I messaged you to say sorry and to see if you are fine and you clearly are, not so you can tell me who is and who isn't right for me.

Charlie: He Knocked me out and you are still defending him. How can I get this through your thick skull... HE IS NOT THE ONE FOR YOU! you are sweet and innocent and he is Rude and not innocent at all.

I grabbed  Advil and a bottle of water then looked back down at my phone and saw that Katie left me on read. I locked my phone and threw it on the bed.

I got dressed and left my room and slammed it on the way out.


Charlie: He Knocked me out and you are still defending him. How can I get this through your thick skull... HE IS NOT THE ONE FOR YOU! you are sweet and innocent and he is Rude and not innocent at all.

I read it and left it at that. I then walked over to my best friends room.

"Tay... I need coffee" I said as I fell on her bed.

"Do you wanna talk about it...?" She said already knowing the answer.

"I just want coffee... really badly." I said, still lying on her bed.

"Okay let's go get coffee, But you can't go out like that. Go get dressed" She pushed me out of her room.

I walk into my room and walk into my closet and grab my lifeguard hoodie and legging. Then I go over to my vanity and throw my hair up in a messy bun and quickly apply makeup. I grabbed my purse off the rack and run down stairs and put on my white Ked's. I ran out the door and got into Tay's  Range Rover.

We arrived at my favorite coffee shop. I went over to where Tay's and I's spot and took a seat while she went up to go order our drinks.

She came back with our drinks. She sat down and just stared at me.

I took a sip and looked at her, "What?!"

"I know you need to rant..." she said.

"Okay... So you know the rock climbing incident. Well I saw Charlie last night at the club and Finn knocked Charlie out and then I told Finn I needed space." I just spilled it all out.

"So does that mean you and Finn are through?" Tay asked.

"No... We are just on a break. Oh... and read this." I pulled out my phone and handed her my phone so that she could read the messages between Charlie and I.

"OH...WOW...UMM" she kept staring at the messages. She finally looked up, "Maybe Charlie is right."

"What! You are supposed to be on my side, Tay." I said.

"Just think about... you are rarely every really happy when you are with Finn. I think you need to cut things off with Finn and start things with Charlie Puth" she smirked at me.

I laughed, "Yea... maybe... but how?"

"I know this is going to sound really bad but... break up with Finn over text." she said.

"What... over text?! That is the worst thing ever" I said.

"But if you try to break up with him in person then you will become Mrs. Chicken, and then you will never be able to break up with him and you will be stuck with him for the rest of your life."  She explained.

"Oh wow... thanks Tay for those words of encouragement." I said sarcastically.

"Bock Bock Bitchhhh!" She said while doing chicken wings.

I hit her arm and then we both started laughing. "Ready to go?" I said.

"Yea" she said while we push our chairs in and left the café.

We get into her car and I Bluetooth my phone to her car and play American Teen by Khalid. We both start singing along as we drive down the highway.

Predestined - Shawn Mendes & Charlie Puth FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora