Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Virgil's P.O.V.

It was a normal day, at least, as much as it can be when you have a major earthquake come through, Thomas spraining his ankle while on a date, and me being... Well, me.

Thomas got back home, and was stuck on the couch until he could get used to the crutches. I, of course, had to do my job.

"What if you just messed up your chances with Angelica because of this?" I muttered.

I mean, it was bad enough that he was trying to date one of his best friends, and attempting another relationship with a woman, but injuring himself in a date? Wow.

"Oh, hey Virgil. Didn't see you come in, but-" Thomas started, but a certain egotistical side butted in.

"Oh, how dare you kick poor Thomas while he's down? He was trying his hardest to woo his love, which everyone knows he can't do better than myself, but-" Roman started, in his usual, self-absorbed manner, but finally Patton joined the conversation.

"Roman, you know Virge is only doing what his life calling is, and saying that will only make this whole situation much worse." Patton reasoned. Roman and I glared at each other, but didn't say anything.

Suddenly, the earthquake started. You could hear it coming from about a mile away. Logan walked in.

"What is going on in here? I was just in the middle of rereading A Study In Scarlet when you started arguing!" At this point no one has noticed that Patton had walked off, until he came running back in, looking like he had seen a ghost.

"Guys, a new room just appeared between mine and Virgy's. Let's go check it out!" He exclaimed.

" Do. Not. Call. Me. 'Virgy'. " I growled.

Everyone ignored me, as usual. I sighed and followed the 'Dad' up the stairs to the newly changed hallway.

Cary's P.O.V.

I've felt a lot of weird emotions, sensations, and pains, but nothing could have prepared me for this.

Imagine that you have broken your leg, painful, right?

Now, imagine that with a broken leg, motion sickness, and vertigo, you are born. Again. As a fully grown adult.

That's how it felt when I appeared in this room. But at least I'm away from them.

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself though.

I looked down at my clothes. Thank god! I thought. I'm still wearing my favorite outfit.
Imagine Dragons (Smoke And Mirrors) t-shirt and black skinny jeans, and black and orange Converse high-tops. A black beanie with emo band buttons on it, a crescent moon pendant, and black and orange nail polish decorated and enhanced my outfit.

I went to stand up and walk around, but I tripped on my shoelace and landed on my bum. I laughed a little, before I heard a knocking on my chamber door.

"Come in!~" I called in a sing-songy voice. I look up to see four guys that look pretty similar to each other, to the point that they could have been quadruplets. "Hi!" I said.

They stared at me. "You're a girl?" The guy in black and purple, with eyeshadow under his eyes mumbled in surprise.

"Yes, yes I am a girl. Do you have a problem with that?" I snapped. 'Great job, Cary! Way to make a first impression!'

"N-no, We were just, uh..." He looked over at the others for help. They looked away immediately. Purple guy sighed, and tried again. "There's never been a girl side before. That's all!"

Oh, what a surprise he's in for!

"What do you mean, 'side'? Like personality or something?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Well, actually, yes." A guy in glasses and a blue tie said, " My name is Logan, and I represent logic for our host, Thomas Sanders."

Great, that means it definitely worked.

The next man stepped up, dressed in a white suit with a red sash, "I'm Roman, and I represent Thomas's creativity, and I am the best looking out of all of the other sides. Except for you, princess!" Roman tried to flirt with me, and the man in purple stomped on his foot.

Next, another man in glasses, but with a blue polo and a sweater tied around his neck, "Hi! I'm Patton, and I am Thomas's Morality!I also act as the father to the rest of these kiddos!" He said enthusiastically.

Lastly, the intriguing man in purple made eye contact with me, "I'm Virgil, and I represent Thomas's anxiety, blah blah blah." He rolled his eyes, "but no one particularly cares anyways..." He muttered on the last part.

"Well, I guess I should introduce myself then. My name is Cary, and-" I had tried to walk over to them, but I slipped, again. "And, apparently, I represent Thomas's clumsiness." I giggled, secretly embarrassed, but still keeping my identity sort of a secret.

Roman reached out his hand to help me up, and I gladly accepted. Virgil shot him a death glare, but the prince took no notice.

"No, seriously, what do you represent?" Logan asked, confused.

"I honestly don't know, but I'm pretty sure that clumsiness is a big part of it." Oops, I lied, sort of.

"Who cares? You seem nice enough! And I think we all will love having you here!" Patton said. "Right everyone?"

I sure hope so, I definitely will NOT to go back, THEY hated me.

They all nodded, seeming happy. Well, all except Virgil, he seemed a little bit apathetic and apprehensive. I don't blame him though, I would be too if someone magically appeared in my house.

"We should show this lovely lady around, shouldn't we?" Roman tried to flirt with me again, but Virgil stomped on his foot again.

"Shut up, Princey! You'll scare her away." He muttered the last part. That made me laugh, almost nothing could make me go back to that hell-hole.

The two continued to bicker as we started the tour.

Finally, I'm free.

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