Chapter 3: Patton-monium

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Virgil's P.O.V.

This couldn't be Patton, I knew it. Roman and Logan knew it too. But now the question was, are Patton and Cary safe?

Logan was the first to call out the true identity of the imposter. "DECEIT! What are you doing here?"

Once Logan distracted the snake, Roman quietly snuck behind him, and nodded towards me, which I took as 'I'm going to look for Patton and Cary.' Then, he rounded the corner and disappeared.

Guess it's up to us to get Deceit to leave before Cary finds out about him.

Cary's P.O.V.

Patton and I had started to walk back to the mind palace common room, when Roman stopped us.

"You two must be hungry after this grand adventure! Let's get something to eat from the kitchen!" Roman then got behind us and gently pushed us back in the opposite direction. He then mumbled something to Patton, who agreed and then spoke up.

"Lunchtime will be soon, but would you like to help me cook?" Patton asked sweetly.

Okay, something is definitely not right, but I'll go along with it for now. I have a feeling that I'll figure it out soon.

"Sure, Patton! I love to cook!" Truth be told, I've only cooked something twice in my entire life, and both times almost ended horribly, but I do enjoy the process of cooking.

Both Patton and Roman smiled in relief. Something is wrong, and I'm determined to figure it out.


A few weeks later, I still haven't figured out their suspicious demeanor. I mean, even Virgil had been more anxious than usual.

I knew before that Thomas made YouTube videos, my other host watches those videos all the time. So, when Thomas asked for me to start being in them too, I was ecstatic! Even though there is a good chance that the others might see it. And so were Patton and Roman, Logan didn't really care either way, but Virgil didn't seem particularly happy about it. Almost like he was worried about something happening, but I couldn't help but be insecure about the chance that he didn't like me.

It was almost Christmas, and we were doing a Secret Santa type thing, but I decided to get everyone something. Should I mention that I'm very scared about their reactions to my gifts?

I got Patton a desserts cookbook and a notebook full of my best dad jokes. I got Roman new art supplies and several sketchbooks. I got Logan a full set of H.P. Lovecraft stories and some Agatha Christie stories. I got Thomas a few DVDs of his favorite cartoons and animes.

For Virgil, I managed to find all of the My Chemical Romance albums, as well as Save Rock And Roll by Fall Out Boy, and Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die by Panic! At The Disco.

To be completely honest, I'm about to have a mental breakdown, I'm so nervous about this. I had wrapped each present in the respective colors for each side and in orange for Thomas.

I traded in my orange t-shirt with This Is My Costume on it in black letters for an orange, white, and black sweater with holly and ghosts on it. Hey, what can I say? I'm a sucker for Halloween and storms!

Looking in the mirror, I take a deep breath, grabbed the presents, and sank down out of my room to go to the living room.


When I rose up again, I realized that I missed and landed in the kitchen, and then I immediately got tackled in a hug by Patton. I hugged back and laughed, "Long time no see, huh?"

"You've been in your room for almost two days straight! I was getting worried!" He replied, "Come on! We're almost ready to start!"

Patton grinned like a little kid, grabbed my wrist, and led me into the living room with the others.

We started trading presents, I had the same idea as everyone else, so Secret Santa had pretty much gone out the window.

Roman went first, he got spaghetti from Patton, The Princess And The Frog from Virgil, and a coloring book from Logan, as well as my gift. He gave everyone a side-hug, even Virgil.

Logan went next, he got a script from Roman about Sherlock Holmes, law books from Virgil, a gift card for $40 for Barnes And Noble from Patton, and the books from me. Logan gave his thanks to everyone.

After him came Patton, who got an adorable card from Virgil, a tin full of cookies from Roman, a book of fairy tales from Logan, and the two spiral notebooks from me. Patton pulled everyone into a big group hug.

Finally came Virgil, he got several ebooks from Logan, a book of "angsty poetry" from Roman, new Bluetooth headphones from Patton, but when he opened my gift, he went silent for a moment and looked at me, "How did you find these?"

"Oh, I ordered them online... I hope you like them!" I replied softly.

"These are awesome... I haven't been able to find them anywhere is all... Thank you."

That made me smile, and I was flooded with relief. It made me happy that everyone likes what I got them.

"Oh, Cary, now it's your turn!" Roman said happily. That was a shock, since I hadn't been here for very long, I didn't think that they would get me anything, really.

Patton bounced up to me with a small box in his hands. I gently took it from him, unwrapped it, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful necklace with... a golden tornado charm on it... I hugged Patton tightly, "Thank you so much, Patton! I love it!"

Patton giggled and went back to his part of the room. Roman walked up to me, bowed in his princely manner, and handed me a beautifully wrapped box. Inside was a CD of all the Disney Villain songs and a copy of Aladdin. "Thanks, Roman!"

He walked back to his spot next to the TV. Logan simply handed me a box with a bow on it, and smiled very slightly. "I thought this might be to your satisfaction."

I opened it, and inside was a collection of horror stories. I grinned widely, "Thank you very much Logan! It is indeed to my satisfaction!" He gave an affirmative nod and stepped back to his place.

Virgil refused to make eye contact with me, but handed me a gift that was a soft package. "I noticed you seem to be cold a lot, so I got you this... It's not the best gift, and I'm sorry about that..."

I unwrapped the soft parcel to find... A hoodie that almost matches Virgil's, but with orange patches instead of purple, and instead of his thunderous symbol, it was a tornado, similar to the necklace that Patton have me. "I love it! Thank you so much!"

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and games.

I've finally come home.

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