#2 The flame of love

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I met you on fifth Street
Jamming to a cool beat
You've got a rhythm to your feet .
Then your eyes meet mine .
I got lost in those starry eyes
That when I felt something spark off
From deep inside my soul it was the flame of love starting to grow (grow )
But don't get to close I don't wanna hurt you now
These flames might just burn you down
But I still wanna hold you in my arms
Hear your heart beat beat
Get lost in my blaze
It might just amaze
It will leave you in daze
Now won't come into my maze .
I know you're scared so am babe
But hold my hand we can make this work .
It's just you and me we don't got to care what this world got to say .
You are Romeo
I am Juliet
We are star crossed lovers so just stay with me babe.
Don't leave me here alone this world is too much for me to handle by my self .
We've got that fire within our souls
It's getting stronger and stronger with every step we take .
I know it can get hard sometimes with what people say about us .
But never let those voices get into your head .
You're my one and only
so whenever you think you are lost in the dark just give me a ring and let we show you
The flames of love

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