#4 Against the current

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'I have faith in you ' is what they once said .
I believed it ,
I did .
I thought is was higher than the highest wave ;
Stronger than the mightiest current .

But I swam too far from the shore .

I was just another tree in the forest ,
A lost star in the sky ,
A brick in the wall,
I was just another droplet in this vast ocean trying to be heard seen or different .

But my mother taught me that
It's okay to fail,
It's okay to let your gaurd down sometimes,
It's okay to be weaker than the rest ,
It's okay to be the one who goes against the current .
Cos' in the end ,
We all will drown anyway .
Hope you guys *if anyone even reads this *liked it .
And the picture I choose don't ask bro that's a female kiba from Naruto .
Yup a female kiba . I'm awesome
Uh bye ?

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