Chapter Fourteen - The Twin Of This World

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Julyan faced the fountain with unblinking eyes, one hand held up towards the water, level with his shoulders.

Focus, transform the energy; fire.

As soon as a charm came into mind, he willed it to form in his hand and released it directly forward. His eyes were trained on the stationary stones and the rushing water all at once, summoning every ounce of concentration to focus on the details.

When the water should freeze, it rushed on; when it should be tinted with blue, it remained indifferently clear.

Fixation. Incision. Levitation. Disruption. Illusion. Creation. Alteration. Anything.

He held his breath, feeling energy surge from his rapidly beating heart to the palm of his hand. First-level charms he could conjure without blinking. Second-level charms required a moment of focus. A roll of a dozen third-level charms at once began to make him feel tipsy. Still, there wasn't as much as an unusual ripple on the water surface.

Have I really weakened this much from destroying those third-level charms?

Impossible. He was no novice. If it's not me, the fountain itself must be the critical factor. Is it enchanted? Why is there such a strong protective barrier around it?

"Have I kept you waiting?" A placid voice came from behind him, "Julyan?"

He blinked, remembering his original purpose a second later, "No, not really." He whirled around somewhat stiffly. "Is there a particular reason why you chose this place to meet? Why this fountain?"

"It's my favourite place in the school," Andriana left his side and approached the fountain. Her fingers skimmed the water gently. "Isidora's fountain."

There's the name again. Isidora, the same as Rexia's late queen's. It's hardly a common name. What are the odds of hearing it two days in a row? The image of Andriana's tranquil smile as she touched the water fountain put a new thought into his mind. "Do you have an affinity with water?" Julyan asked, more for confirmation than curiosity. He stood a metre away and watched warily, his brows furrowing together.

"Affin - no, not at all. I don't even know how to swim," evidently a thought made her flinch. "Ah, are you alright? You look really pale."

"I do?" Julyan returned a half-hearted smile, slowly turning away from the fountain. "Just the gloomy weather, I suppose. It's probably going to rain soon. Let's go and find somewhere with shelter."

Really? The sky was clear a moment ago. A water droplet hit her cheek just as the thought occurred. Andriana raised her head and noticed the thick dark clouds foiling the blue sky. The weather forecast lied again, she sighed inwardly, luckily I always keep a spare umbrella in my locker.

She jogged a few steps to catch up to Julyan, who was already striding towards the nearest sheltered building.

Something was off about him; his pace was too fast, posture too rigid, lacking the absolute confidence and grace that she was used to see him carry. He usually kept his hands in pockets, she observed, but this time they were at his sides. There was a slight tremble in them as they walked. Before she knew what she was doing, Andriana reached for his right hand.

"What are you doing?" Julyan asked expressionlessly.

Andriana met his gaze. "Your
pulse," Her eyes were wide with a blend of shock, worry and disbelief, "What is it? 200? 250? How is that even humanly possible?"

"It's not," instead of withdrawing his hand, Julyan twisted his arm in her hold slightly so that he caught her wrist instead. "I'm not human, and neither are you."

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