Chapter Five - Dream Come True

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The doorbell rang again.

"That would be Emmeline," Julyan tapped the armrest and began to stand, but Mr Lucas beat him to it.

"I can get the door. I am the host, after all." He stood up hastily and left, marching through the corridor where Andriana had been a moment ago.

Andriana herself had taken the moment of distraction when they first heard the doorbell to slip behind the kitchen counter. Highly risky, but she could hardly back out now. From her hiding place she observed Julyan. He leaned back on the couch, perfectly at ease as he waited.

With a sudden burst of audacity Andriana straightened up from the counter and shifted the kettle purposefully to produce a harsh sound. As expected, Julyan's eyes flickered towards her immediately. Actually, one of the greatest advantages of wearing sunglasses is to observe others without being suspected. The dark lenses shielded her from prying eyes. "Tea, Mr. Knight?" She offered nonchalantly.

"No thanks," Julyan chuckled, "I dare not to let a princess serve me."

Andriana stiffened momentarily but discarded his reply. Boys and their sweet words. This one was a player, wasn't he? Fighting back a sly remark, she left the counter and approached him, stopping at the couch across from his in a slightly leaning position. The less she seemed moved, the better.

So what now? Question him for what happened yesterday? Ask about business he had with Mr Lucas?

In their brief silence there was a distant sound of a door opening, and then the clashing of two distinct voices.

Suddenly Julyan was standing right in front of her, one hand placed on her shoulder. "Go. Don't let Emma see you," he commanded urgently.

"Emma?" Distracted, Andriana forgot to push him away.

"Emmeline Kenrick, the actress," Julyan replied absentmindedly. "Do you know her?"

"Welcome, Miss Kenrick. Your fame far precedes you. I can't express my gratitude for your decision to come by today," they heard Mr Lucas begin, still in a distance. "This way. Your manager is already here."

"My manager?" An unfamiliar female voice asked, confused.

Julyan cursed audibly. "Now this is why -" he broke off. Instead, he leaned close to Andriana's ear and whispered a few words. Before she could react he already left, walking away in the direction of the door.

Andriana returned to behind the counter. Not because she trusted his judgement when he decided Emmeline Kenrick shouldn't see her - but with her unkempt wet hair and casual clothing, she was really unfit to meet a stranger.

Wait a moment. The same would apply to Julyan. Why on earth did she think it was a good idea to appear before him? Andriana, sometimes you can honestly be so idiotically impulsive. Mentally smacking herself, Andriana waited for the opportunity to sneak back upstairs to her room. She needed music. And time. Time to calm down and make sense of this whole situation.

She fell backward onto the beanbag and pulled the headphones over her ears. She heard little of the music and more of her own heartbeat. Even then it was impossible to erase his voice from her mind.

"One o'clock. Where we met last. please be there."

Her phone rang.


Josephina tapped her foot impatiently, searching for her best friend Raylene in the mass of disgruntled people lining up for popcorn. "For the fifth time, Rayn, do we have to get popcorn? The movie is starting in five!"

Light in DawnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant