BREATHE -My Hayatı

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A distorted shadow appeared in the piercing light from opened door in dark room.

"Hayatı?" She whispered.
Nothing was heard except suppressed hiccups and weak sobs.
She knew that she was there.
She closed the door silently and did what she used to do always.

She switched on the fairy lights that hung beautifully across their room.
They used to be a sign, a sign that how beauty outshines even in dark times.

"Hayatı, Stop crying!" She sat down beside her, hugging warmly.

"Why? Why do people do this to us?"
She muffled in pain while hiding her face in her arms.

"And what did people do to you?"

"They hurt me! Everybody hurts me mia. Jemina and Alizeh hurt me, Amma abba hurt me, sometimes you too hurt me and now Afaan hurt me. Why do all hurt me?"

She wailed beneath the sparkling fairy lights.

"Look Hayatı.... "
She was gathering her broken pieces, as if where to put the right piece first.

"No. Mia.. please. If you're trying to lecture me with philosophies, poetries, quotes or good theories, then I already know all of them and it isn't that I haven't applied them. But... "

Her words became tears again.

"Nothing lasts mia. Nothing!"

"Okay. I'm not gonna lecture you with anything. Look at me!"
She lifted her tired pale face and wiped the wet salty creeks on her cheeks.

"Come with me!"
She tried to lift her up.

"No. I don't wanna face anyone like this!"
"I am not taking you to meet anyone. Just come with me!"

She got up heavily and followed her sister's steps.
Making their way through dim quiet lobbies, they reached their favourite place.
Both had decorated it with green pots and seasonal flowers with a cane swing in shade.

"Why are we here?"
Ifrah wiped a lone tear.

"To Breathe!" She glanced at the shimmering sky, inhaling the essence left by trees and flowers.

"This doesn't work everytime mia!"
She turned around when Sanam held her hand.

"Sit down for a while!"
She pulled her to the cane swing.

"Things that hurt cannot be healed by mere a breathe, Sanam!"

"I know but it helps.. like when a machine runs down, you have to restart it, somehow. "

"Not again!" She huffed with worn out breaths.

"Okay just close your eyes and feel your breathe. Feel the gift that you've been gifted without even deserving or asking!"

"Sometimes it's better to die isn't?"
Tears welled up again in her eyes.

"Are you brave enough to face the death?"
Mia asked softly.

"What do you mean?"
She sniffled.

"Hayatı, problems of life are not even worth it. I don't mean that they won't bother you or play with your peace of mind or purity of heart. But do not give them power over yourself! You are not made weak by God. You are made even stronger than the mountains. It's just one thing. We fail to realise our worth and depend on people for that!"

"Mia? I don't want compliments or day and night attention from people. I'm just a normal human being. I want to be normal. I want my relations to be normal. Is that too much to ask for?"

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