Waking up together.

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It was after 8 in the morning. The rain had stopped. He was relieved. The weather made him uneasy.
  He would never admit to anyone that thunder terrified him. He was glad that Jan had welcomed him into her bed.
  He needed to pee but he quickly realized that he was entangled with Janet Montgomery. He'd had dreams about this sort of thing before, but usually they were both naked.
  This, however would do for what he would consider an excellent morning wake up.
James couldn't believe how well he'd slept. He looked up at the woman who laid mostly on top of him.
He could feel her heart beat. Her hands rested against his shoulders and she'd splayed the rest of her body between his thighs.
He wanted to keep her like that longer but he really needed to pee.
He tapped her arm but she settled more against him. James wouldn't have minded because her night gown had ridden up and he could see a healthy amount of thigh but he really needed to pee.
He tickled her sides, she jerked in surprise but his arms wrapped around her, holding her close.
"It's okay. It's me." He kept his voice low, almost a whisper. And she knew it was him. That was the problem.
"Wha... What time is it?"
James gazed at the watch he kept on his wrist. "It's around 8."
He held her tighter and she realized that it was bright out.
She got off his chest, noting her position on top of him. She rolled off him and onto her side of the bed.
She yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"Good morning."
He kissed her cheek, got up and went to the bathroom.

Jan considered the situation. She'd just spent a whole night in bed with this man.
It had been the best sleep she'd had in years. She stretched and sat up. He hadn't been crude or tried to take advantage of her and she appreciated that.
  There were no nightmares this time. Just a dreamless sleep.
  She'd been aware of his body. She'd never admit how much she'd felt comforted by his warmth.
She got up and went to the window. The weather from the night before had caused a mess of leaves and branches and the path was muddy.
She needed to pee. She left the room.

James felt comforted by the cold water. As it slid down his body, he allowed himself to be chilled by it.
He was wide awake now. He stepped out of the shower only then realizing he hadn't taken his towel.
He could do nothing but try to get to his room. He figured Jan was still in her room maybe even asleep.
He moved towards the door and reached for the door knob. He saw it move.
  Jan turned the doorknob. She yawned and pushed in the door.

He stood there Stark naked. Jan took a step backwards. She turned her head to the left and ambled away.
"I didn't know there was anyone in here." She mumbled.
  She started for her room, clearly embarrassed.
  James was slightly amused. He had never seen her so flustered. He slipped out of the room. He figured he could deal with this ,clothed.

She smacked her head with her hand repeatedly. "Stupid, stupid stupid, stupid..  "
She wanted to blame him for his lack of discretion but she was the one who hadn't knocked.
  She'd seen plenty. Nothing much had changed in nine months. He was still impressive in every way.
She sighed. Why was she like this? He was only a man. A hot man. She got up. She still needed to use the bathroom.
  She left the safe haven that was her bedroom and headed to the bathroom.
She knocked, then turned the knob.
She felt so stupid.
James dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts and a tank top. He combed his hand through his beard.
  He was slightly amused. Jan's reaction to his nakedness had made him laugh. And yet he planned to get her over that shyness.
He lay back for a moment. He could remember what Stella had made him promise.
She wanted him to take care of her.

"She likes you. Don't mind the way she acts around you. I've never seen her kiss any one besides you."
  He smiled. He remembered that kiss well. The one they'd shared in the darkness under the broken street light.
Stella had kept in touch with him. Even though , Jan had given her disapproval. He'd heard when Stella gotten sick and he wished he'd been there when she'd died.
He sighed and got up. He planned to get Jan at all costs. Not only to keep his promise but because he loved her.

She loved cold water. It raised goosebumps on her skin and made her tremble, and she always felt refreshed after a cold bath.
She'd locked the door to the bathroom. The last thing she wanted was him barging in on her while she bathed.
She finished her bathing ritual, unlocked the door and stepped into the hallway cautiously.
There was no one around. She shuffled to her room and locked her door.
James set about his mission. He'd communicated with Stella religiously over the few months before her death.
And now he read over those messages. He had a plan and yet he wasn't sure if he could convince her that he was worth her time.
But he wanted Jan. She was the missing piece in a life full of opportunities.
He needed to have a talk with her about what he'd seen in the bathroom when he'd first arrived.
   He just hoped she would be open to such a discussion.
He left the room and went to see what she was up to. He was hungry .

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