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She'd made cocoa tea. They had bought bread. She sliced some tomatoes and cucumbers and drizzled coconut oil over it. She added a pinch of salt and mixed it all together.
She still down a bowl and a mug at the dining table. James appeared just as she finished.
She blushed, ignored him and sat down.
He joined her and they sat in comfortable silence.
He tasted the food, satisfied. It was so simple yet flavourful.
"This is delicious."
"Don't talk with your mouth full." She admonished.
James couldn't help but smirk, she hadn't changed at all. He wondered if she ever broke any major rules.
When they were done eating, she cleared up and started on lunch.
He offered to help by washing dishes. She accepted his help.
When he was done, he decided to help her. He'd never made any of the dishes she was now making. He enjoyed cooking immensely and he was always up for learning something new.
Jan didn't mind the company. She could be a little uptight when it came to most things but she didn't mind having someone to help her once in a while.
Besides, he seemed interested in what they were cooking. She explained to him the ingredients they were using and she allowed him to help her cook.
James enjoyed a good meal. He cooked sometimes when he felt the need and he didn't mind food as long as it was healthy.
While the vegetables steamed and the ground provisions boiled, he focused on seducing her.
That kiss from yesterday still haunted him and he planned to explore it further.
She'd surmised that it was better if she stewed the chicken. The smell wafted through the house and reminded her of when she used to cook for Stella. She sighed. She didn't get a chance to dwell as he pulled her away from the stove.
"The food is going to burn." She stated.
"We're taking a break."
She allowed him to pull her towards the couch. He sat down and pulled her down into his lap.
She straddled his legs. He kissed her neck first and for a moment Jan couldn't speak.
She put her hands against his chest. She'd meant to push him away, but when he nipped at her ear, she ended up moving closer and bunching her hands in his shirt.
He continued to kiss her neck, alternating between her throat and ear.
She put her head down. She'd been trying to stifle the giggles that had
threatened to escape her.
She couldn't take it anymore. She lowered her head and kissed him on the mouth. He opened up his own and their tongues melded.
James reached for her blouse. He unbuttoned it and slipped it off her arms.
Usually this was the moment when Jan would beg for him to stop, but she didn't feel that way now. She felt safe, in control.
She still felt a little self conscious until she saw the look on his face.
"You're so beautiful." He groaned out.
She was wearing a lace bra, that accentuated her 38C breasts. She was a little uncomfortable but she didn't mind the fact that she was in his lap and he was touching her.
She was confused by the feelings that bombarded her. She wanted to run and hide, yet she wanted to see how far she could go.
He kissed her again and pulled her closer to him.
The smell of burnt food wafted through the house. Jan leapt off him.
She added water to the sauce and put the heat off on the other pans.
She scowled at him while he grinned at her. He lay back and laughed a little.
"I told you the food was going to burn."
He held out her blouse. "I think you forgot something." She looked down at her state of dress and ran over to snatch the blouse from his hand
She dressed away from him.

"I've already seen what's under that shirt, you don't need to hide."
She couldn't help but smile.
She went back to the food, ignoring him as he sat closer.

The chicken was salvageable. She shook her head. She'd let him distract her.
Janet Montgomery didn't burn food. That was a no-no. He came to join her in the kitchen.
He washed any remaining dishes while she fixed the damage that had been caused by his distraction.

A holiday for redemption 2Where stories live. Discover now