Chapter 3: Warnings

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While the 10 generation of Vongola guardians meets Aichi Sendou and his guardians, a small, brief yet important meeting occurred which will soon shake the world.

Place: Ireland, County Mayo

Time: 17:30 pm Ireland time

 On the west coast of Ireland. Its scenery ranges from verdant to desertlike, with rocky cliffs at the Atlantic coast, lived an old man sipping on a cup of lukewarm herbal tea while reading Frankenstein. The birds are singing, flowers are blooming and a black sleek limo screeches as it stops in front of the humble log cabin. The car door flips open and a man steps out, holding a black leather suitcase. The man is good looking, even handsome if he didn't have black bags under his blue peepers. The man has black hair that reaches past his shoulders tied up into a ponytail,  a red bandana was tied around his neck. Contrary to his taste in cars, his choice of fashion is not elegant nor simple. The man is wearing a checkers patterned long-sleeved shirt with a collar, a Leather shaped trenchcoat over it like armour. He is wearing dark blue jeans and brown leather worn out boots. He is 6 feet tall, tanned skinned, and a cowboy hat covering his piercing black eyes. A gun in a gun holster, glimmering in the sun.

He walks to the front the door, feet on the old 'Welcome' mint coloured mat, his face and posture showing fondness and relaxation. He knocks the door 3 times with the back of his hand. As soon as the knocks stop, light footsteps scramble to the door. The man can sense that he had surprised the old coot."Hold on just a minute." a humble deep voice states. The door slowly opens to reveal a senile Irish redhead, wearing a comfy light green sweater and black pants and pink fluffy slippers. 

"Daulin." the Irish redhead greets with a nod."Guten tag Vans Morgan." Daulin greets back. Vans Morgan opens the door wide open, letting the man inside while going to the cosy 1960's kitchen to make some black tea. The 25-year-old places his suitcase on the dining table, then sit on the old chair, his face showing nothing yet everything. The curtains in the dining room and the kitchen are closed, not letting anyone eavesdrop or peek inside. Vans sit next to him, places a cup of black tea just inside Daulin's view. Vans decide to reply to Daulin in English, as Daulin was raised in Canada.


"Thank you Vans. However, we have more important matters than tea."

"Tea makes the important matters easier to ingest."

"Nothing can help me with this."

". . . I assume this is about Case Red Link."


As soon as Vans clicks his fingers, runes shine in the darkened room before fading into the wood. However, power can be felt. Meanwhile, Daulin opens the suitcase with a silver key, the suitcase reconstructs itself into a 3D projector, on and fully functioning. Daulin takes out a seemly plain black pen out of his dress pocket. He clicks on the cap, then an image of the world appeared on the white wall on the opposite side of Daulin and Vans.

"These Red Links started appearing 1-2 months ago, at around the western hemisphere. More specifically in the Bermuda Triangle."Daulin states, clicking on the pen. The next image shows the 'monsters '  in a bird's eye view, obviously, the picture was taken by a satellite. The picture shows a dragon floating midair in the stormy mist. "This picture was taken in 2nd of  October 2012." he said grimly, Vans only stares at the picture in intense curiosity."Our most trusted ally Eundatel managed to subdue the dragon. At 13th November 2012, another one appeared, this time at the Dragons Triangle."  as he said this another picture appeared. A warrior in silver armour hunting walking on the ocean.  "Ever since that red link 2 appeared, we have been receiving sightings around the world from mafia families, big and small. While these extraterrestrial beings are in different shapes and sizes, there are not monsters. Furthermore, there are 2 main traits they have all have in common."

Another picture appeared, along with some statistics about dying will flames. The picture  shows 2 red circles, linked together at the centre."Each red link that was subdued all has red lines in their bodies. Another trait is that their aura is similar and contagious. Already 50 mafioso have been affected and was chained down. The effected mafioso are shown to have more aggressive and violent. Their dying will flames are infested with the same dark aura that the red links have. Mafia bosses of our alliance are worried that our world might be invaded." He finishes his say with a sigh. The whole time that Daulin has been talking, Vans have been contemplating in silence.

"An invasion from organisms from a different world have been sighted and considered as dangerous." Van summarised Daulin's detailed explanation, as he drinks his cup of tea.


"Has Dr Saphal determined where they have originated?"

"Negative, however, She has found some  similarities between all the victims that been affected by red Link."


"One. All of the mafioso have weak soul wavelengths, their will can barely manifest. Two.the age of most of the victims is between the ages of 13 to 19. Three. According to Mister Iresal, and Miss Archa, all of their souls are fractured."

"Meaning that these red links are targeting any mafioso with an overall weak spirit, weak will and broken souls."

"Affirmative, red link seems to slowly mend the cracks of the soul, however, Dr Saphal concluded that the fractured souls will slowly transform into a different soul, causing the organism to change entirely. It can also be contagious, so all of the doctors are wearing full on suits with oxygenated gas masks."

". . .Inform the rest of the Fia Familiga and the Forest Alliance, organise  the Earthrune conference in Sicily Italy."

"But Vans, Eundaterl and our allies won't dare go there. This will surely catch the Vongola Nono's attention. The Vongola Familiga resides there, it has the most bloody history, also its mafia boss is at an old age, any family can kill the old coot, then blame us, as we and our allies are unknown to them."

"All the more reason the meeting must be placed there if the Red Link is more dangerous than we theorise, the future will be disastrous. We will need all the help we can get and the Vongola family is the most powerful mafia family in the world, having more men under its belt than any mafia family. Furthermore, from our spies, the ninth boss is an old man and its heir is called Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn's student. Skybreaker's son is with him right now. So there is no point in hiding."

"Vans. . ."

"I know the chances are very slim and your sense of justice will be challenged, however, this threat cannot be treated lightly. Besides, we are not weak, we may appear weak to other mafia families, but we know our strengths. You know you abilities well."

". . . Very well, the Earthrune Conference will be in Sicily Italy in 20 days. Eundaterl, Thousand Nights and Yagure will be informed. Please understand that some of them might not appear boss."

"Very well.Thank you for the information. You may leave"

And Daulin left the room without a word. The minute he left the room, Vans lets his nervousness loose, his shoulders slacken, he sighs feeling worried about Daulin's hatred towards the Vongola family."Daulin, you must trust yourself, otherwise, you will fail."He snaps his finger, immediately a sketchbook along with a pencil appears in his hands.he starts to draw his worries away.

Meanwhile, Daulin sat in his limo, internally infuriated at himself and Vans. He hates the Vongola mafia with all his might, yet he understands why Vans ordered him to set the Earthrune Conference there,if the conference catches Vongola's attention and succeeds to have Vongola as a fellow ally, there will be drastic positive results. "On the other hand, if Vongola notices us, and declared us as foe not friend, there will be bloodshed."Daulin contemplates, patting his gun holster.

"I wonder-"

"how little blueberry is doing." Vans thinks, looking at the open window, not daring to look at his masterpiece, since he knows what abomination he has just drawn.

Glimming teeth, nefarious red rings, white solid tail, bloody red eyes.

An abomination indeed.

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