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J: okay lil bug I'll be quick. Sit inside and warm up...
End phone call

Jakes POV

I get in my car and drive down the streets bopping to all my favourite songs. I was gonna ask Aubrey if she wanted to help film me doing the Kiki challenge but it seems like she might be a bit to down for that right now...
I pull up to the doctors office and see her soaking. Literally, there's wasn't a dry piece of clothing on her. I felt angry but also sympathy. She is just sat there with her head in her hands. Looking down. Looking empty.
I get out the car and run up to her and she just looks up at me with no expression.
"Oh hey." She says as if nothings happened.
"Hey lil bug... get in the car, we're going for a ride."
She just nods and follows me to the car slowly with her head down. Awh shucks this is really sad. I make my index finger to an arch and put it under her chin. I use it to slowly guide her head up to me and I say, "I'm going to make sure you smile today."
"It's going to be hard to..." She says.
"She speaks!" I joke. But she just moves her head and looks to the sad ground again.
This time I hold her cheeks with one hand and pull her closer to me by the waist with the other. She looks up at me in shock but slowly adjusts to where she is being held. I move in and she does too. I put my forehead on hers and say, "I will make you smile Aubrey."
"Let me show you" and after I say it I kiss her soft lips.

Aubrey's POV

He kisses my lips softly and gently and I go with it. Damn his lips are just like I imagined. Soft and plump and everything a girl could want. As our lips move in sync he gets a little less tame and we get a bit more rough. I break the kiss for a breath and I can't help but grin.
"Told you."
"Whatever nugget." I say and get in the car. It wasn't long before my happiness slowly drained out of me and returned to darkness and grey. I stared at the raindrops on the window as Jake drives.

Sorry this chapter is short I'm tired

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