Friday night

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"Hey Juliette!"
"Hai Monica, how are ya babe?"
"Finee, you?"
"Great as always."
"What do we want to eat?"
"Uhm. Let's go to Jamie's because we own that money."
"Hahaha perfect reason. I just need to check my mail and than we're ready to go."

Another mail from Bayern
Hello Monica,
Can you please send us you phone number?
It's just so we can keep in tough when you arrive at an another terminal for example.
Well I'll send him my phonenumber
Hey Mario,
"Monica are you ready?!"
"Yeah coming!"
Lots of love,

"Here I am, just recived another e-mail from Munchen."
"Ahwe my fangirl."
"Shut up. That you have a relationship with Jasper doensn't mean you can say such things."
"Okay okay haha i'm just happy for you okay!"
"Let's go."

"Hello ladies can I help you?"
"Table for two please."
"Okay, here you go. what do you want to drink?"
"Let's go childish, an Ice-tea please."
"Haha for me too!"
"Oke, here's the menu. the drinks will be here in a minute."

"I have something important to tell you Monica.."
"What is it?"
"I've heard from friends that Jasper wants to marry me! Can you imagine? Juliette Cillissen."
"Married to a Dutch man, well well."
"I hope it is true you know!"
"Yeah! my god I hope so for you! There's just one thing. Will you move to Holland?"
"I. I-I don't know actually. I have to finish school but that's just a few weeks."
"Yes indeed..."
"Here are the drinks ladies. do you already know what you want to eat?"
"Yeah for me a ceaser salad and some tomato soupe."
"And for me the hamburger please."
"All right thank you."

"And what if Mario falls in love with you?"
"He has Ann-Kathrin remember? I don't think he'll separate from her."
"You never know."
That's right. And otherwise i'll have Manuel!"
"Hahaha indeed. The two friends who are dating worldcup keepers."
"My god that would be cool to hahaha. But back to you, how was your holiday with Jasper?"
"Absolutly amazing! He has a really big appartment in Amsterdam and his teammates are just cute. Even though I don't like Ajax that much."
"Haha i've heard he's not in the base so you could sit next to him the whole match."
"Yeah! wait, what's the base?"
"The base team are the 11 players who'll be in the field every game. They start off the match and only when they change players the field formation will change."
"Ah. okay I guess. I wonder why Jasper felt in love with me haha I don't know shit about Football."
"That's a good sign! two options left or he likes your inner, or he thinks you're beautiful."
"Hahaha stop it!"


"That was a really nice dinner Juliette."
"Yes it freakin was."
"Will you come to say goodbye and wish me luck with Mario sunday morning?"
"Ofcourse I will! Heatrow? which terminal?"
"Yeah Heatrow and terminal 6. thanks bæ."
"No problem. I'll come."
"Thanks" and I hug her to say goodbye.

"Say hi to Jasper from me."
"Hihi I will. it's such a shame he's here when you're gone."
"Well next time then."
"Bye sweetie"

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