Landing in München

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Huh?! pfft I must have felt asleep, we're already circling above the Münich airport. It's a truly wonderful city.

It's always scary when the planes about to land.
I'm happy when I'm finally in the building.
There's a secuirity man waiting with my suitcase.
"Are you Monica Wilson?"
"Yes, that's my suitcase"
"Come with me."

I had to go through a special sort of secuirity. they where seeking through my suitcase and checked my ID like 40.000 times.
"You can go to the boys with her."

We walked in to the arriving hall and there they are! when they saw me they all started running at me!
"Heeeeyy Monicaaaa." was all I heared before I ended up underneath ~20 man.
"Hmpf! Hi guys!"
"Hello Monica, I'm Philipp Lahm. Leader of the team"
"I know that! It's absolutly incredible to meet you guys!"
"We wanted to give you something right away. Here.."
"Thanks Manuel.... No way, an official FC Bayern t-shirt with MY name?! This is incredible!"
"Thanks so much!"
"No problem. We also have a keepers shirt for you if you might need that."
"First we'll let you meet with your 'hero'."
"How do you.."
"We've had some contact with your trainer."
"Well here he is...... our one and only Marioooo!"
"Stop it guys! I'm just to small to get through. Hi Monica how was the flight?"
"It was okay, thanks!"
He's way more handsome in real life, and that deep voice... absolutly sexy as fuck.
"Let's get you to your hotel then."
"See you at dinner Monica!"
"Me and Manuel will bring you to your hotel."
"Ah, okay then, where's my suitcase gone?!"
"Already got it for you. Keepers gotta help each other. We'll see if you are the new me tomorrow."
"Yeah! I really look forward to it!"

"I really like your shirt."
"Don't punish me for wearing your shirt."
"It only misses one thing."
"A signature ofcourse! where do you want it?"
"Wait I'll pull my shirt of first, that's easier."
"I want it here please."
He's signing my shirt. OMG
"Do you want me to sign it too?"
"Yes please! You guys are great! I'm really like fangirling all over the place."
"Barely notice-able."
"Hahaha stop it."
"Here's your hotel. Dinner's right at the hotel's restaurant at 8 o'clock. You want us to come with you?"
"No, I'll be okay! thanks guys, see you in a hour!"
"See you!"

My god Götze is handsome... Neuer is reaaaally great but a bit shy, that's so cute!
I think I might be falling in love with Mario. He's just too attractive, not my fault.

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