Tuesday training Mario's pov

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"Mario can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Yes ofcourse Thomas."

"Ann-Kathrin called me yesterday, telling me it's over, is that true?"
"Yeah.... it is"
"What happend? You really loved her right?"
"Yes I loved her but it seemed that she still was with me fot nothing else than the attention and when I asked her that, she didn't say no... that broke me and we got in a fight and then we broke up.."
"Oh man, I feel so sorry for you!"
"That's oke, but thanks."
"You can always decide to ask Monica to stay with you, it seems like she makes you really happy!"
"Yes she does! to be honest with you Thomas... We already are together... but please don't tell anyone."
"I already thought so buddy, don't worry my lips are sealed. To be honest, I like her more then Ann."
"Haha I do too."
"If she makes you happy I'm totally okay with it."
"Thanks so much man."
"No problem! The guys and I are really busy with her birthday present."
"Really?! what are you guys doing then?"
"We're trying to get her in the female team."
"Really?! Omg that's so awesome!!!"
"Shhhhh otherwise the whole team will hear us stupid."
"Hehe sorry."
"We're also trying to get the coach so far that she can train with us once a week.."
"that would be absolutly awesome!"
"We're almost done. It was really easy to get her in the female team though."
"Yeah, I know why haha."
"It's really cute that you start blushing when you talk about Monica."
"Hahaha let's go back to the team."

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