Chapter 2

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The next morning I got up around 10:00 and checked my phone. I got a text my JC. I could feel my checks turn from a light pink to a red. I typed in my passcode on my iPhone 4s and clicked on the text.

"Hey! It's me JC. I really liked hanging out with you yesterday even if it was only for a few minutes. I think your a really nice and cute girl and would love to hang out again! Would this afternoon work?"

I screamed I was so excited! I quckily texted back "Yes! What time and where?" I instanly got a response.

"How about at 3 at my place?"

"Sounds like a plan! Just send me you address."

"It is xxx xxxxxxx xxxx

xxxxxxxxx, XX xxxxx

"K thx!"

<<<<<<<<<<<JC'S POV>>>>>>>>>

I woke up at 9:00. The first thing on my mind was Katy. I really liked her and wanted to get to know her. I pulled out my phone and started to text her. I said "Hey Katy lets get together soon!" Then I decided that sounds to boring. So I erased it and typed.

"Hey Beautiful! I miss you! 😘 Lets hang out soon."

Ugh I sound way to desperate. So I tried.

"Hey Gurl! Wanna lay down some sizzle?"

What?! Ok that's just weird. This whole type a message erase and then type again when on for a while until I finally decided with.

"Hey! It's me JC. I really liked hanging out with you yesterday even if it was only for a few minutes. I think your a really nice and cute girl and would love to hang out again! Would this afternoon work?"

I waited for a response. Then around 10 I saw that she read my message and was typing back. My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was gunna fly out if my chest. After what seemed like eternity the message sent! An she said.

"Yes! What time and where?"

I instantly replied with. "How about at 3 at my place?"

She response saying. "Sounds like a plan! Just send me you address."

So I sent her my address and she replied. "K thx!"

I was freaking out! She said yes! Even thought I didn't know her that well I got a sort of tingle feeling! I even felt dick start to get hard. I ran straight to Connors room to tell him that I got a girl. Well kinda.

<<<<<<<<KATY'S POV>>>>>>>>>

I instantly called my best friend Baliee. It rang three times then she finally picked up.

"BALIEE! You got to come over right now I got big news!"

"What?! What kind of news?!"

"The best kind"

"Ah! Boy kind! I'll be there in 5."

5 minutes later I heard my front door open. Baliee and her family are such good fiends of ours that we have them a key to our house. Baliee walked in in her pajamas and no makeup.

"I jumped in my car right when you called me!" She said

"Let's go up to my room" I said as I was getting up from my chair.

We both sat on my bed and I told her all about JC She watches o2l so she was flipping out. I told her how I was invited over to his house this afternoon.

"Oh my god! Do you know what this means!" She said.


"He shares a house with 3 other guys from o2l, so you will get to meet Connor, Kian, and Ricky! Oh my god! Please casually mention me to Ricky!"

"Haha ok I'll try to slip it in."

"I'm so happy for you Katy!" She said as she gave me a big hug!

"I got to go home to shower and change, but I will be back at 12 to help you get ready!!" She said.

"Thanks! Love ya!" I said as she walked to the door.

"Love ya too!" She said as she blew me a kiss!

This was turning out to be a great day!

I love you  . . (A JC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now