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I killed her. Yes, I killed her, my wife, Julia Shemrock. She was always so good to me, always sweet at the face in the court sessions but behind my back, blackmailing me. I didn't even had any proofs to show to the judge.  Bloody him, he won't even listen to me, he would as always listen to Julia. She would cry, act as if she is going to faint and her crocodile tears won't stop.

Finally, after so much divorce sessions and when I got fed up from her acting, I decided to end the tale and so I did.

She came to meet Henry, our child last night. She had her back turned towards me while she was talking to him. I picked out a butcher's knife and killed her. She was DEAD right at the moment. Henry was watching me killing his mother. But he didn't said a word.

The next day, I thought he was going to cry and run from home and go and tell someone, what I did with his mother and that I had her buried in the backyard, but still, he was so normal as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't seen me bury her there.

Days passed, weeks passed and I was dying out of curiosity that why is Henry not saying anything to me. Then I decided to ask him,"Henry, is there anything you want to ask me?" I was waiting for the young child to open his mouth.

At last he said,"Yes dad. I wanted to ask this before but you were busy so I never got a chance,"

"Oh I see, Henry. Tell me, what is it?"

"Dad, I wanted to ask you that why is mom always standing behind you?" he said.


Author's Note: This was my first scary edition and hoped you liked the suspense. If yes , then plzz go through and fill your suggestions in the comment section and if no, then also feel absolutely free to come and contact me!! Sooner or later... i'll reply my friends...

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