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I think I will have a fit!

Look! Another nasty zit!

Even on my nose and dimples

Should I pop all of my pimples?

Dermatologists would say" Wash your face three times a day "

Use warm water and some soap

Maybe then you won't lose hope

Face is oily, do I care?

I have acne everywhere! 

And I've tried for many weeks

To remove what's on my cheeks

How disgusting! Should I fuss

To extract that creamy pus?

Every blackhead like before

Seems to clog up every pore

I've had pimples since my teens

Blame it on my faulty genes?

Are my hormones out of whack?

My face is under attack

Now my scars have become craters

My skin's like an alligator's

The worst part of puberty

Pimples are my enemyx)          

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