12. Dearest, Game Day

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Liza, can we please just talk like normal people?

We are talking like normal people. 

No, I mean face to face. Pre-system normal people.

After what you pulled? What you hid from me? Alex, if you can't even come to me when you need me, why should we even bother with this?

Eliza come on—

Without another thought, her connection went down and Hamilton was left to sit and attempt to pay attention in class, which, of course, he didn't. Who would want to pay attention when they had a soulmate that was doubting the system? Alexander was doubting the system, but not in the same way as Eliza. He'd always been doubting it. He never trusted something that was supposedly unchangeable. Eliza was just doubting him and the system's job of pairing them. 

Hamilton hated that she didn't believe in his reasoning, but he wouldn't change it. Sitting in the car with his friends and Thomas, hearing and seeing what they did. . . He didn't want her in on that. Who would want their soulmate in on that? He knew John and Laf didn't tell their soulmates and he didn't think Thomas did either. 

Actually, he wasn't sure about anything to do with Thomas. Since what Lafayette had said during their study session gone wrong, Alexander had been paying a little more attention to Thomas. The way he always scooted away whenever someone got close, turning his head at soulmates, and how he'd avoid talking about soulmates. It was suspicious, to say the least. 

Alex never really went any farther than that thought, though. It wasn't Hamilton's job to take that burden off of him if Thomas didn't have a soulmate. Apparently, it wasn't anyone's job. 

"Okay, don't forget about the reading assignment and—"

The bell rang and cut the teacher off. Nobody listened to the "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" as they filed out the door. Since it was the last class of the day, the halls were flooding with obnoxious teenagers, all screaming about the same thing: the football game. 

Hamilton loved the football games. He especially loved the senior night football games, since they knew how to play more than freshman and it was just that much more interesting. Not only that, it was an excuse to scream and insult the other team with the most creative swears he could think of. Not to mention the after party if the school won, then it's underage drinking (which he technically couldn't enjoy without risking losing his emancipation ), loud music, and running from the cops. 

He really shouldn't have even been considering going but it wasn't like he was planning on helping his best friend remove his soulmate chip, ultimately committing arguably one of the worst crimes against the government. 

As he got out of the building, he passed a group of football players shoving each other around in the commons. He was hoping to get by them without having to deal with them, but one of them got shoved into him. 

"Hey! Watch it!" He shouted as he tried to catch his balance. 

"Sorry, Hamilton," Thomas sighed. Once they were both straightened, he turned to his group. "Hey, I'll catch up with y'all later, I gotta talk to him."

"You what?" Alexander asked as Jefferson dragged him outside. 

"You need a ride home?" 

 Alex yanked his arm away and stopped. "Okay, you have literally no reason to be nice to me unless you're dying so let's have it. What're you sick with?" 

Thomas rolled his eyes. "I'm sick with helping your friend with his issue and you happen to be the closest thing to him, aside from family. I want to see you both and the rest of us at the party tonight—"

Dearest, Soulmate (Jamilton)Where stories live. Discover now