New student from America!

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-You're an american attending UA as a new student.

Your POV

I was walking to school with a new sense of confidence I haven't really had before. Dressed in my new clean uniform, chin up and all. I was smiling like there was nothing capable of bringing me down and for all I knew, it could be true. This was my very FIRST day at UA High! Besides that, it's my first time living somewhere like Japan which was super cool.

Originally, I was from America. It was great but being here, hits differently.

I was so hyped when I got the call I was gonna' enroll at this university. I was honestly a bit surprised because I didn't think anything spectacular of my quirk, only it being something as simple as flying. Maybe I could spin into a mini tornado and take out small objects while I'm at it, but that was about it.

I guess they just saw something in me that could be improved or maybe it was the other way around; I'm not as bad as I presume myself to be. Who knows?

One way or another, being a hero is what I wanna' do with my life and this is the one way ticket to that goal.


Finally, I've made it to UA, appreciating the gigantic building before me before I marched inside. Standing at the entrance, I looked around, seeing only a couple of students that may have came in late -same as I. I thought less than little about it and focused on finding my homeroom.

"I think it was a few floors up?" I muttered to myself, unsure if I was on track, but I believed it to be the right route so I took it. I climbed up a couple of staircases until I found myself on the floor where my destination should be.

"Okay. Where to next?"

I walked carefully down the hall, reading all the signs above the doors I passed by, one by one. This place was huge. I couldn't seem to find the right classroom. The slight feeling of hopelessness started to well up until I spotted "1-A".

Thank god I wasn't lost! This is it. My heart filled with joy and anxiousness as I ran up to the door. I paused for a second, taking a deep breath in and exhaling before I knew I was ready and opened the door.

Right when I did so, I was instantly met with looks from the students, wondering who the hell I was. If it wasn't for my giddiness and confident mindset, I would be feeling regretful for coming here.

A man was standing in front of the classroom at a podium, who dressed in dark clothing with a scarf wrapped around his neck with long, unkempt looking dark hair.

He looked very tired as well like it's been decades since he slept and not like as in properly. I mean- at all. It had me thinking that he was in dire need of a nap. Ironically, he had some yellow sleeping bag right at his feet which raised a little question from me, but what's the point? I'm just here to learn how to be a hero, not judge my teacher on what he brings to school.

When I came in, I may or may not have disturbed class. It looked like he was in the middle of teaching them. It left me feeling kind of bad for the guy and my smile was depleting, that is until he spoke up.

"Ohh. Welcome to UA. Class, I wanted to introduce you to your new classmate, Y/n L/n," he introduced me in the most monotone voice ever and they all responded with "Hello, Y/n!" The inviting spirit of the classroom instilled graciousness back into my smile that was once starting to disappear a moment ago.

"You can call me Mister Aizawa. I've assigned a desk over there for you. Make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you, Mister Aizawa," I kindly replied before making my way to my assigned desk. On the way, I was greeted by the other students. I've responded with the kind gestures they've made towards me. It was like home all over again but different.

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