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Tim woke up in the same spot. He checked his phone. 6 missed calls from Sarah. He texted his mom, telling her he'll be a bit late and he's fine. It's 11:59pm. 1 minute until Tim's birthday. Until something happens, from what the text said.

12:00am. Suddenly... a little girl came out into view from the forest. It was Hope. "Hope... how are you..." Tim asked. It was baffling. Hope was dead. How is she here? A Tall man came too. Hope held his hand. Tim fell to the ground and started coughing. The man was The 0perator0000000. Tim's head felt like0000000000000000000000. "Hope, what are you doing0000000000000000.??!! "He's allowing me to speak through a vessel. The vessel is my body and his. This is the only time I can speak to you. Do you remember?" Hope asked. "Remember wha... oh.... ohnoohnoohnoohno... how did I forget... hope I'm sorry...aaa00000000000}" Tim replied. "It wasn't your fault. The Operator did it. He used your body as a vessel. It's okay. The only way you can survive is if you search000000the0000000coffin000000000000000000000000000000000don't0000000beinmarblehornets00000000000000000" Hope told Tim, being interrupted by distortion. "Hope... no...." Tim called out... but his mind was taken over... and The Operator took control. Tim was conscious, but he wasn't in control of his thoughts or movements. He could see himself... taking a lighter and throwing it in the hospital.

Tim woke up on his street. He got up and walked home. He tried to remember how he got there. The time was 11:59am. 1 minute until his 16th birthday.

The next day he looked at the news before going to school. The Hospital was burned down.

YOUR FAULT - Timothy Wright's Origin (A Marble Hornets Story)Where stories live. Discover now