Chapter 2: The Plan (Jarad's P.O.V.)

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As I leave the room Lizzie's trapped in, I hear her trying to struggle and very faint shouts demanding Trevor to let her go. She's is such an amazing actress, I don't know how she can be this good at acting. I walk outside of the stone tower on Midnight property where Lizzie's at. Rule is no supernatural can cross the barrier leading to our property, except for captured ones. Why the invisible barrier that acts as an invisible wall for the supernaturals let Lizzie in. I walk across the barrier to the dock where my ship was located, and make my way out of Magic Waters. Magic Waters is an ocean that humans and other everyday animals don't know that it exists, since there's also a magic barrier around the whole ocean. What's cool is the Midnight Property is near non magical waters, so I end up docking near Paris. You see, I could've just teleported to Alice right there and then to tell her what was going on, but I couldn't. You can't teleport on any magical property, whether it'd be Magic Waters, Supernatural's Kingdom, Midnight Property, or any other undiscovered magical territory because the barriers are too strong for that. You can only teleport if you're on normal land or oceans, and yes, you can teleport from unmagical territory to magical territory. You just can't teleport from magical territory to unmagical or magical territory.

As I walk onto the lands of Paris from my boat, I see the Eiffel Tower and smile thinking of when my parents and I met my babysitter, Lizzie, when I was three on our family vacation. It's funny how my ex- babysitter and soon- to- be- girlfriend have the same name. I then close my eyes and think 'here we go' before teleporting into Alice's room. I open my eyes and see Alice run into her room smiling, which soon dimmed to an unreadable expression when she saw me.

"Alice, we need to talk." I say as calm as possible.

"Okay, what about? Trying to kill me while I was a human?" Alice asks aloud with an angry expression. Curse my greedy midnight side. 

"Look Alice, I'm sorry. About everything, okay? For keeping you away from your soulmate, for taking a little bit of your blood away when I kissed you, but mostly, for trying to kill you. You're the last girl that I am going to hurt. I'm done dating girls for blood. This is why I hate being a midnight; human blood is 100 times better compared to the other blood so we try to find ways to consume it. I'm sorry for everything okay? Anyways that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. I need your help." I say looking at her with my truthful eyes as I sit on the bed, projecting my thoughts out to her.

"Okay fine, I believe you." she says as she sits on a couch beside the bed pondering about what I had just said, "What do you need my help with?" she asks finally as she looked at me.

"As you and Nathan know, Lizzie has been captured by Trevor. What you don't know is he wants her to join his midnight army, meaning he wants to change her into one. Lizzie and I both need her to change into a midnight because that's the only way we can finally be together. Another thing, Trevor is planning a trap to kill you. He thinks that if you come to save Lizzie, his army of two hundred will destroy and kill you. I need you to trust me when I tell you to listen to Trevor up till you get there to save Lizzie, then you and your supernatural army attack, find Lizzie as a midnight, and bring her home."

"But we can't lose another supernatural! We need Lizzie, Jarad..." Alice starts to say.

"You need Lizzie as a midnight! We are ten times more powerful than supernaturals besides you I hope you know. Trevor and his midnight army will destroy you if you don't have some midnights on your side!"

"True, okay fine. So all you want me to do is listen to Trevor's requests, go up Magic Waters with some sort of army, and attack to bring midnight Lizzie home?" 

"Pretty much."

"Wait, why do you want to help us? Wouldn't you rather have me dead? I don't get it, you're on Trevor's side!"

"He thinks I'm on his side! Alice, I don't want to be a midnight. To be honest, I've always wanted to be a supernatural. They aren't as greedy, they are really sweet, they are natural immortals and not potion made, and they have an amazing queen. Midnights are greedy, they have a horrible leader who doesn't know what she's doing and makes rules such as midnights can't be with supernaturals, we have a crappy tower for our kingdom, and we don't care if we kill off anyone who's not a midnight. I'm not like that at all, so I decided I'm going to go undercover for you guys and help." I say smiling. Alice smiles back and gives me an unexpected hug.

"Thank you Jarad! I knew you had a heart somewhere after almost trying to kill me." she says jokingly yet happily. I just laugh and smile.

"No problem, now tell Nathan what's going on. We need him in on this too."

"Will do! I tell him everything anyways so." she says smiling.

"Alright, well I'd love to stay, but I gotta get back to Trevor and help guard Lizzie." I say as I roll my eyes remembering my part in this plan.

"Alright see you around, Jarad. You going to be at school Monday?" Alice asks me.

"I kinda have to. My parents told me that I can hang out with friends and help with the midnights as much as I want as long as I go to school every day and get good grades."

"Alright well, see you at school then." she says.

"Alright, bye Alice." I say as I teleport back to Paris. I get back on my boat and make my way towards Magic Waters to guard Lizzie. I start hoping that the plan works and wish the best for Alice and Nathan. Hopefully they survive and save Lizzie.

Supernaturals vs. Midnights: The Captured One (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now